Rob van den Braak

Xerox and the secret of good Flow

26 okt 2016
xerix-tree-flow-killersXerox is not just production printing, it also scores well with the streamlining of business processes. The secret is creating the perfect Flow. A perfect Flow can be accomplished by eliminating three Flow Killers from your organisation. The first is Friction, inefficiency caused by poor process design or communication dynamics. The second is Noise, information overload and the resulting ‘data blindness’. And the third is Drag, getting held back from doing the things you’re best at. Xerox created an informative ebook on how to bring Flow into your organisation. Download it free from our downloads page.



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Xerox en het geheim van een goede Flow

26 okt 2016

xerix-tree-flow-killersXerox is niet alleen production printing, maar scoort ook goed in het stroomlijnen van business processen. Het geheim daarvan is het creëren van de perfecte Flow. Een perfecte Flow is te bereiken door drie Flow Killers te elimineren uit je organisatie. De eerste is Friction, veroorzaakt door de inefficiëntie van slecht ontworpen business processen en het ontbreken van communicatie. De tweede is Noise door een information overload wat resulteert in een ‘data blindness’. De derde oorzaak is Drag, het niet kunnen doen van de taken waar je het beste in bent. In een informatief e-boek legt Xerox uit hoe je de Flow terug kunt brengen in je bedrijf. Download het ebook gratis via onze download pagina.



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Big Data will push maintenance cost down

25 okt 2016

drupa 2016 - Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG © Sascha Steinbach/actionpress for Heidelberg

As already announced at drupa, Heidelberg intends to use Big Data to improve its customer service. Thanks to Big Data from more than 10,000 machines and 15,000 Prinect workflow users the company will be better able to estimate when preventative maintenance is necessary. The Big Data will also give Heidelberg a valuable resource for information on breakdowns and will be able to better manage spare part stock. This will prevent breakdown and outage of the costly machines. Read more about how the company is planning to do this in the press release below.



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Big Data brengt onderhoudskosten terug

25 okt 2016

drupa 2016 - Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG © Sascha Steinbach/actionpress for Heidelberg

Heidelberg gaat, zoals op drupa aangekondigd, Big Data inzetten om zijn service aan klanten te verbeteren. Dankzij Big Data van meer dan 10.000 machines en 15.000 Prinect workflow gebruikers, kan het bedrijf beter inschatten wanneer er preventief onderhoud gepleegd moet worden. De Big Data geeft Heidelberg ook een schat aan gegevens over storingen, persstilstand en zal het op voorraad hebben van reserveonderdelen optimaliseren. Daarmee wordt stilstand van kostbare apparatuur voorkomen. Lees meer over hoe het bedrijf dit gaat aanpakken in onderstaand persbericht.

Heidelberg and USU successfully implement “Big Data for Smart Service” development project

  • Big Data analytics provide the basis for data-based services aimed at increasing the productivity of print shops
  • Partnership with USU Software AG successfully drives the digitilization of the printing industry

Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg) is expanding its service portfolio in cooperation with USU Software AG (USU) to respond to customer requirements with additional data-based services. The big data platform developed together with USU provides the basis for a range of innovative, data-based services that Heidelberg will be offering in the future via the “Heidelberg Assistant” customer portal presented at drupa 2016. The portal recently won a “Digital Leader Award 2016”, and underlines the importance of a high-performance, scalable big data analytics platform in combination with a modern customer interface.

With this in mind, the two companies have agreed to extend their successful and comprehensive partnership in the field of data analysis using the jointly developed big data analytics platform.

“The main way we are addressing the change in the business models of print shops in the digital age is by working with our technology partner USU to increase machine availability for our customers”, says Harald Weimer, Member of the Management Board Heidelberg Sales and Services. “It won’t be enough in the future to just offer good service. Instead what we need to be doing, is looking ahead to prevent machine-related interruptions of production and optimally planning maintenance. How can we do this? By evaluating daily information supplied by the status data of the machines in question. In doing so we transform big data into valuable smart data that we can then use to develop smart services and increase our customers productivity.”

Predictive Monitoring and Performance Plus are two Heidelberg services that use this technology and have already been successfully launched in key markets. Heidelberg is pioneer in the field of innovative services. It uses state-of-the-art, scalable technological and analysis capabilities to both improve existing service processes and develop new service packages. Predictive Monitoring involves evaluating the machine data in order to identify emerging faults early on and avoid them through planned service measures before they result in unplanned machine failures. The goal is to achieve maximum machine availability through intelligent, proactive action.

With Performance Plus, Heidelberg offers a consulting service aimed at improving the entire production environment by working together and sharing the successes achieved. In order to improve the efficiency of a production system comprising people, press, and process, losses in the form of time, speed, and quality must be identified and eliminated. This is done by analyzing and constantly monitoring both technical and process data using big data analytics. When complemented by on-site analyses and lean management methods, significant and sustainable improvements in productivity can be achieved. “In many projects we have already been able to improve output by up to 40 per cent, and in this way achieve six-digit cost savings for the customer over the project lifetime,” says Harald Weimer.

However, big data analytics would not be possible without the ever increasing number of machines being connected via Remote Services. Most Heidelberg printing machines today are connected on installation. There are now 10,000 machines and 15,000 Prinect software modules regularly supplying machine and process data to the cloud.

USU Industrial Smart Services

Heidelberg is currently using the USU Industrial Smart Services cloud. This big data platform was developed by USU on the basis of open source components, a powerful complex event processing (CEP) engine in combination with a rule editor and machine learning components. Heidelberg uses this technology stack to develop and operate its Smart Services.

As well as processing historical data in order to identify unfamiliar failure patterns, new data can be instantly integrated into the active process and therefore very quickly processed in order to pass on decisions to subsequent processes. Analytical methods tailored specifically to machine and plant engineering are available, for example to carry out correlation analyses, cluster analyses, detection of trend changes, prediction, and anomaly detection. This offers Heidelberg highest flexibility for future product and services development to further drive the digital transformation and offer customers a concrete competitive edge with new data-based services.

“The ‘Big Data for Smart Service’ project by Heidelberg and USU is based on a successful partnership. The combination of both partners’ professional and technical competence enabled a very fast rollout of the new data-based services like Predictive Monitoring on the basis of our big data analytics platform. These will be a key component of the Heidelberg Assistant. We are very pleased with this success, which was confirmed by the Digital Leader Award 2016. Further intensification of the cooperation will provide the basis for further expansion of the service business models at Heidelberg,” says Henrik Oppermann, Business Unit Manager at USU Software AG.

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Kodak Ektra: Een voormalige fotografiegigant introduceert een smartphone voor fotografen

25 okt 2016

kodak-ektaHet is een Android smartphone met Arcsoft fotosoftware en zonder schokkende specs. Maar je ziet het al aan het design met een echte sluiterknop en een handgreep, de Kodak Ektra is ontworpen voor fotografen die een super portable compacte digitale camera willen hebben. Een camera met verwisselbare SD kaartjes zodat je geen opslagproblemen hebt, die een simpele verbinding maakt met sociale netwerken en als plus de mogelijkheid heeft om een online Kodak premium print te laten maken van je opnamen. Tel daarbij op de instelmogelijkheden en een breed scala aan scene settings en het is best mogelijk dat deze camera/smartphone een succes gaat worden. Zeker als je in acht neemt de lage prijs, minder dan 500 euro. De Kodak Extra is leverbaar in december, op tijd voor de feestdagen!



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Kodak Ektra: a photography giant from the past introduces a smartphone for photographers

25 okt 2016

kodak-ektaIt is an Android smarthone with Arcsoft photo software, without any shocking specs. But you can see by the design with a real shutter and grip, the Kodak Ektra has been designed for photographers who want to have a super portable compact digital camera. A camera with SD cards to avoid storage issues, a simple connection to social media, and, a big plus, the possibility to make an online Kodak Premium Print. Add to that the settings and a broad range of scene settings and this camera/smartphone could well be a big success. Especially if you take into account the low price, less than 500 euros. The Kodak Ektra wil be available in December, perfect timing for the holidays!



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French print shop reopens after ´Charlie Hebdo´

24 okt 2016
Categorie: ,

drukkerij-parijsThe print shop in Paris which made world news last year because the Charlie Hebdo terrorists sought refuge there has reopened. President Hollande personally attended the opening at the end of September. The premises were very damaged because of the fights between the terrorists, the Kouachi brothers, and the French troops that tried to end the hostage situation. The renovation cost more than 1.5 million euro and was financed by the government, insurance companies, a collection via the internet and and loan taken out by the printer. The shop has been renovated and has extra security with 24 cameras. Printer Michael Catalona and his colleagues received the Légion d´Honneur from President Hollande.



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Papier en golfkarton – De mythen en feiten 

24 okt 2016
Categorie: ,,

BW_M&F-Golfkarton2016_DEF.inddNieuwe brochure over dé verpakkingsoplossing voor de circulaire economie

Dat golfkarton meer is dan een kostenefficiënte verpakkingsoplossing, laat de nieuwe brochure Papier en golfkarton – De mythen en feiten zien. Met een hernieuwbare bron en fantastische recyclingprestaties, is golfkarton dé verpakking voor een circulaire economie. Recent onderzoek toont verder aan dat fruit, dat is verpakt in golfkartonnen verpakkingen, drie dagen langer vers blijft dan fruit dat wordt vervoerd in plastic kratten. Met golfkarton kan de toekomst beginnen!

Europees bos groeit dagelijks met de omvang van 1500 voetbalvelden

De brochure is een uitgave van de brancheorganisatie Corrugated Benelux Association Nederland (CBA) en, het informatiecentrum over papier en karton. De brochure Papier en golfkarton – De mythen en feiten – bevat interessante kerngegevens, zowel over de duurzame eigenschappen van golfkarton als over de Nederlandse golfkartonindustrie. Golfkarton wordt gebruikt in elk bedrijf en huishouden. In Nederland wordt jaarlijks zo’n 1250 miljoen m2 aan golfkarton geproduceerd. Met de stormachtige opkomst van het online-winkelen neemt de vraag naar golfkarton verder toe.  Golfkarton leent zich prima voor creatieve bedrukking en kan daarmee bijdragen aan de merkbeleving op de winkelvloer en bij de klanten thuis.

87% van het papier en karton wordt gerecycled

Golfkarton biedt tijdens vervoer en opslag bescherming aan producten en voedingsmiddelen, aan versproducten in het bijzonder. Het is een efficiënte verpakking die op maat wordt gemaakt. Golfkarton is functioneel, praktisch en bovenal zeer duurzaam. Het bestaat grotendeels uit oud papier. Retailers zamelen maar liefst 95% van het gebruikte golfkarton weer in. Daarmee wordt nieuw karton gemaakt. 87% van het op de Nederlandse markt gebrachte papier en karton wordt gerecycled. De duurzaamheid van golfkarton gaat nog verder. Wanneer in plaats van oud papier verse houtvezels worden gebruikt voor de productie van het materiaal, gebeurt dit doorgaans met hout afkomstig uit duurzaam beheerd bos. Voor iedere gebruikte boom wordt een nieuwe geplant. Of meer. Daarmee draagt golfkarton bij aan de Europese bosgroei van 30% sinds 1950. Golfkarton voorkomt eveneens verspilling van voedsel. Golfkarton heeft de toekomst!

De brochure is op te vragen bij de CBA en en

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Agfa Graphic toont op InPrint Milan haar hele lijn van digital print oplossingen

23 okt 2016

At InPrint in Milan Agfa shows applications as diverse as product printing, packaging, interior decoration and many more

Op InPrint Milan, 15-17 november, toont Agfa Graphics complete lijn van digitale print oplossingen voor production printing, packaging en interior decoration. Lees meer over Agfa op InPrint in onderstaand persbericht.


Agfa Graphics teams up with industries to leverage power of print

Introducing digital print in manufacturing contributes to just-in-time delivery and personalized or variable content, in an environment-friendly and sustainable way.

Agfa Graphics has a history as complete solutions provider in the graphics industry, including a portfolio of chemical consumables that open doors to new print markets and applications in need of innovative solutions. Agfa develops a wide variety of fluids including specialized primers, coatings and inkjet inks. These are in use for applications as diverse as product printing, packaging, interior decoration and many more. One example are its award-winning low-migration (LM) inks, which boast unique image quality and functional performance for migration-sensitive applications such as food, beverage and pharma packaging.

Additionally, Agfa Graphics offers state-of-the-art software that supports industrial production workflows in need of variable data processing, pre-flighting, image processing and color management, as well as solutions for anti-counterfeiting.

The list of applications for industrial inkjet is growing day by day across a wide variety of industries. These applications can either be made with state-of-the-art wide-format printers or require specific printing equipment that needs to be custom-designed. Agfa partners with multiple OEM inkjet system integrators who develop customized print systems that comprise either Agfa Graphics’ single-pass or multi-pass inkjet inks, tuned to match specific application needs.

“More and more industrial customers enjoy the advantages of digital printing and the availability of a process or solution that integrates print in their manufacturing set-up,” says Tom Cloots, Marketing Manager Industrial Inkjet. “The application reach is enormous and the requirements are very diverse. Case by case, we partner with project teams, develop new ink formulations and offer our expertise in software to make it all happen.”

Visit Agfa Graphics at InPrint 2016 in Milan from 15-17 November


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Agfa Graphics promotes the integration of print in manufacturing at InPrint 2016 Milan

23 okt 2016

At InPrint in Milan Agfa shows applications as diverse as product printing, packaging, interior decoration and many more

At InPrint 2016 in Milan, Agfa Graphics will display a wide selection of industrial products that are digitally printed. Whether UV-curable or water-based, Agfa inks deliver the functional requirements for e.g. flooring and furniture on melamine base. Also on display will be printed tubes and cans, customized shoes and chairs, personalized PET bottles and containers. As such, Agfa Graphics positions itself as a partner for integrating print into manufacturingprocesses.

Introducing digital print in manufacturing contributes to just-in-time delivery and personalized or variable content, in an environment-friendly and sustainable way.

Agfa Graphics has a history as complete solutions provider in the graphics industry, including a portfolio of chemical consumables that open doors to new print markets and applications in need of innovative solutions. Agfa develops a wide variety of fluids including specialized primers, coatings and inkjet inks. These are in use for applications as diverse as product printing, packaging, interior decoration and many more. One example are its award-winning low-migration (LM) inks, which boast unique image quality and functional performance for migration-sensitive applications such as food, beverage and pharma packaging.

Additionally, Agfa Graphics offers state-of-the-art software that supports industrial production workflows in need of variable data processing, pre-flighting, image processing and color management, as well as solutions for anti-counterfeiting.

The list of applications for industrial inkjet is growing day by day across a wide variety of industries. These applications can either be made with state-of-the-art wide-format printers or require specific printing equipment that needs to be custom-designed. Agfa partners with multiple OEM inkjet system integrators who develop customized print systems that comprise either Agfa Graphics’ single-pass or multi-pass inkjet inks, tuned to match specific application needs.

“More and more industrial customers enjoy the advantages of digital printing and the availability of a process or solution that integrates print in their manufacturing set-up,” says Tom Cloots, Marketing Manager Industrial Inkjet. “The application reach is enormous and the requirements are very diverse. Case by case, we partner with project teams, develop new ink formulations and offer our expertise in software to make it all happen.”

Visit Agfa Graphics at InPrint 2016 in Milan from 15-17 November

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Expensive paper because of Brexit

21 okt 2016

BB160705 BrexitBritish printers are faced with a hefty rise in paper prices which could well run into the double digits. The reason is the fact that the British pound fell by 14% against the Euro.  Most of the paper for the British print industry comes from mainland Europe. All eyes are trained on UPM the biggest paper supplier. If they raise prices the rest of the industry will follow. This would result in a disaster, according to one of the suppliers.
There are however positive views in the UK as well who think that Brexit will eventually have a positive effect; if Brexit happens the Brits can buy paper worldwide (at lower cost) because the paper manufacturers do not have to pay by European import tariffs.



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Laurel Brunner: Time for an Environmental Declaration for Print

21 okt 2016

In her Verdigris Blog Laurel Brunner suggests our industry should show the world how far we have already come in recycling and environmental measures. According to Laurel it is time for an Environmental Declaration for Print. A declaration in which we clearly show the results of and goals for sustainability in the print industry.
Read her blog on our articles page about how we can benefit from the new hype of circular economy.



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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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