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Laurel Brunner: Tijd voor een Environmental Declaration for Print

21 okt 2016

2015 Laurel 5x7cm 300ppiIn haar Verdigris Blog roept Laurel Brunner onze industrie op om de wereld te laten weten hoe ver we al zijn gekomen in het hergebruik van materialen en welke milieumaatregelen we al genomen hebben. Volgens Laurel is het tijd voor een Environmental Declaration for Print. Een verklaring waarin we de resultaten en doelstellingen voor duurzaam ondernemen in de grafische industrie duidelijk naar voren brengen.

Lees in haar blog op onze artikelen pagina hoe we op de nieuwe hype van een  ‘circular economy’ in kunnen haken met al wat we al bereikt hebben.

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Laurel Brunner’s Verdigris Blog: An Environmental Declaration for Print

21 okt 2016

2015 Laurel 5x7cm 300ppiWe hear a lot these days about the circular economy, the idea that basically what goes around as goods and resources comes around as raw materials. The circular economy concept is about using waste as a new raw material or as a component in raw materials, like turning waste paper into pulp for new papers or adding reprocessed plastic pellets to concrete. The circular economy get dressed up in some very complicated language, but that’s the basic gist of it.

What matters about this idea from print’s perspective, is that the graphics industry could be making a massive statement about its contribution to the circular economy. And there is a lot to say, from the reliability and probity of print, through to the fact that it is based on a harvested and renewable resource. Unsurprisingly the graphics industry doesn’t shout out loud when it comes to its environmental credentials, but that has to change.

The industry needs some sort of environmental declaration, a kind of mission statement for print that explains why and how the graphics industry makes a positive contribution to the environment. We must go far beyond bragging about the sustainability credentials of paper, and turn the conversation away from recycling and towards media effectiveness as well as its sustainability.

Digital technologies are responsible for both cannabalising traditional printing and publishing, and creating an exciting environment for new print and communications possibilities. Digital media coexist with conventional physical media and the two can be exploited to create powerful and enduring dialogues. Those dialogues can occur across media channels and of course with audiences, like entertainment narratives that develop over time.

This combination of digital and physical media is a unique platform for extremely sophisticated media relationships based on long and multifaceted storylines. It is these relationships and their power to deliver results for brand owners that will keep printed material relevant, compelling and durable. But this only works if we get on and start doing it.

How we think of media depends on where we sit on the spectrum of its creation, production, distribution, use and end of life. Media supply chains should be encouraged towards full life-cycle thinking and consider how print contributes to improving the environment and supporting circular economies. We should be able to express this in a coherent environmental declaration that stresses print’s role in accelerating buying decisions. We must go beyond a defense of print based on paper and celebrate its role as an enabler.

Laurel Brunner


The Verdigris project is an industry initiative intended to raise awareness of print’s positive environmental impact. It provides a weekly commentary to help printing companies keep up to date with environmental standards, and how environmentally friendly business management can help improve their bottom lines. Verdigris is supported by the following companies: Agfa Graphics, EFI, Epson, Fespa, HP, Kodak, Kornit, Ricoh, Spindrift, Splash PR, Unity Publishing and Xeikon.

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Laurel Brunner: An Environmental Declaration for Print

21 okt 2016

2015 Laurel 5x7cm 300ppiWe hear a lot these days about the circular economy, the idea that basically what goes around as goods and resources comes around as raw materials. The circular economy concept is about using waste as a new raw material or as a component in raw materials, like turning waste paper into pulp for new papers or adding reprocessed plastic pellets to concrete. The circular economy get dressed up in some very complicated language, but that’s the basic gist of it.

What matters about this idea from print’s perspective, is that the graphics industry could be making a massive statement about its contribution to the circular economy. And there is a lot to say, from the reliability and probity of print, through to the fact that it is based on a harvested and renewable resource. Unsurprisingly the graphics industry doesn’t shout out loud when it comes to its environmental credentials, but that has to change.

The industry needs some sort of environmental declaration, a kind of mission statement for print that explains why and how the graphics industry makes a positive contribution to the environment. We must go far beyond bragging about the sustainability credentials of paper, and turn the conversation away from recycling and towards media effectiveness as well as its sustainability.

Digital technologies are responsible for both cannabalising traditional printing and publishing, and creating an exciting environment for new print and communications possibilities. Digital media coexist with conventional physical media and the two can be exploited to create powerful and enduring dialogues. Those dialogues can occur across media channels and of course with audiences, like entertainment narratives that develop over time.

This combination of digital and physical media is a unique platform for extremely sophisticated media relationships based on long and multifaceted storylines. It is these relationships and their power to deliver results for brand owners that will keep printed material relevant, compelling and durable. But this only works if we get on and start doing it.

How we think of media depends on where we sit on the spectrum of its creation, production, distribution, use and end of life. Media supply chains should be encouraged towards full life-cycle thinking and consider how print contributes to improving the environment and supporting circular economies. We should be able to express this in a coherent environmental declaration that stresses print’s role in accelerating buying decisions. We must go beyond a defense of print based on paper and celebrate its role as an enabler.

Laurel Brunner


The Verdigris project is an industry initiative intended to raise awareness of print’s positive environmental impact. It provides a weekly commentary to help printing companies keep up to date with environmental standards, and how environmentally friendly business management can help improve their bottom lines. Verdigris is supported by the following companies: Agfa Graphics, EFI, Epson, Fespa, HP, Kodak, Kornit, Ricoh, Spindrift, Splash PR, Unity Publishing and Xeikon.

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KLM´s media app replaces paper during flights

20 okt 2016
Categorie: ,,
Boarding a flight and picking up a newspaper will soon be a thing of the past. KLM recently offered passengers the KLM media app. This app offers passengers access to a number of international papers via their smartphone or tablet. The number of papers accessible depends on travel class and Flying Blue level.
To make sure you will be able to read the paper it is best to download before boarding, as not all planes are equipped with wifi yet.bb161013-klm-media-app
¨The KLM Media App is yet another improvement to the service KLM offers its passengers. The app means a selection of newspapers is always to hand, up-to-date and available for all passengers, both on European and intercontinental flights. We are also exploring the possibility of expanding the app to become a complete entertainment app, including films and series,¨says Ryanne van der Eijk, Senior Vice President Customer Experience KLM.

Holland Herald, KLM´s inflight magazine, is also available via the app. More papers and magazines will be added in future.



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The Print Show een succes ook voor het Drukzo PRO web2print programma

20 okt 2016
Categorie: ,

the-print-show-2016Het NEC Birmingham was van 11 tot 13 oktober het toneel voor The Print Show, een op Engeland gerichte vakbeurs met een sterke focus op praktische oplossingen en educatie. Het aantal bezoekers en standhouders was boven de verwachting van de organisatie, wat aangeeft dat ook in Engeland de zware jaren voor de grafische industrie achter de rug zijn. De show was ook een succes voor HelloPrint UK, de Engelse tak van HelloPrint Benelux. Vijftien jaar geleden startte HelloPrint als één van de eersten met web2print, en is nu één van de snelst groeiende organisaties op dat gebied in de Benelux. Business development manager Juriaan van Beelen: “een vakbeurs als The Print Show is voor ons een ideale manier om in contact te komen met nieuwe klanten en om bestaande klanten te ontmoeten. Deelname aan deze Engelse beurs past perfect in onze strategie om ook internationaal te groeien”. Nederlandse klanten die via het Drukzo Pro van de services van de HelloPrint organisatie gebruik maken profiteren van deze groei die het mogelijk maakt om extra diensten zoals een white label webshop en uitbreiding van het leveringsprogramma sneller te realiseren. Meer weten over het Drukzo Pro programma en de voordelen die het voor elk grafisch bedrijf kan bieden vind je via deze link.



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The Print Show a success also for HelloPrint

20 okt 2016
Categorie: ,

the-print-show-2016The NEC Birmingham was home for The Print Show from 11 to 13 October. The Print Show is a tradeshow targeted at the UK with a strong focus on practical solutions and education. The number of visitors and exhibitors were higher than expected which shows that the difficult years for our industry are in the past, also in the UK. The show was a big success for HelloPrint UK, the UK branch of HelloPrint Benelux.

Fifteen years ago HelloPrint was the one of the first to start with web2print, and is now one of the fastest growing companies in this field in the Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg). Business Development Manager Juriaan van Beelen said: “a show like the Print Show is an ideal way for us to meet new clients and connect with existing clients. We want to be at The Print Show as it fits perfectly into our strategy to grow internationally.” Dutch customers who make use of the HelloPrint organisation via Drukzo Pro profit from this growth through the extra services such as the white label webshop and the extended number of services.

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Programmeur verdient miljoenen met de verkoop van low-quality ebooks

19 okt 2016

Reading an ebook in bedDe term “long tail” krijgt met de scam van programmeur Valeriy Shershnyov een heel andere invulling. Shershnyov publiseerde op Amazon waardeloze Kindle ebooks die dankzij fake reviews goed verkocht werden. Daarmee verdiende hij miljoenen dollars. Het mooiste van deze scam is dat hij juridisch niet aan te pakken is. Amazon kon zijn waardeloze titels wel verwijderen maar door simpel de naam en de omslag van het boek te veranderen kon hij onbeperkt doorgaan. Zijn handel is nu gestopt omdat de onderzoekers van Amazon ontdekten dat  alle titels van een server kwamen, een server die niet eens beveiligd was. Zo zagen ze dat hij duizenden accounts en emailadressen gebruikte om lovende reviews te schrijven en van elk ebook een aantal exemplaren te bestellen. Hierdoor kwam hij snel in boekenlijsten terecht als een favoriet. Zijn scam bewijst weer dat elke nieuwe techniek door slimme jongens gebruikt kan worden om snel geld te verdienen. En dat een ‘echt’ boek waar je door heen kunt bladeren voor je het koopt toch wel een meerwaarde heeft.


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Programmer earns millions by selling low-quality ebooks

19 okt 2016

Reading an ebook in bedThe term ´long tail´ takes on a whole new meaning with the scam by programmer Valeriy Shersnyov. Shershnyov published a number of worthless Kindle ebooks which sold well thanks to fake reviews. He earned millions doing this, and he cannot be legally charged for doing this either. Amazon was able to remove the worthless titles, but by simply changing the title and cover he was able to continue. This has now been stopped because Amazon discovered that all titles came from the same – unprotected – server. They discovered that he used thousands of different accounts and email addresses to write good reviews and to order a few copies of each title. This way he ended up in favourites. His scam shows that any new technology can be used to make money illegally. It also shows that a ´real´ book can be have its advantages.



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Andreas Weber: the continuing added value of print in our digital world

18 okt 2016
Categorie: ,,

andreas-weberLooking back on an emotional drupa year our colleague and journalist Andreas Weber concludes that, thanks to its added value, print is making a comeback. Not only the increased investments and actual prints, but also the improved results by manufacturers such as Heidelberg and KBA prove an upward trend. There is no reason to relax yet according to Weber. He encourages the industry to use the moment and the opportunities the combination of print and digital technology offer.

Read the English language synopsis of the article via this link, and the complete German version of his informative publications via these links:

• Teil 1: Print in seiner (globalen) wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung

• Teil 2: (Unvermutete) Wachstumstreiber im Print-Geschäft

• Teil 3: Positionierung und Strategien der Techniklieferanten

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Andreas Weber: De toenemende toegevoegde waarde van print in onze digitale wereld

18 okt 2016
Categorie: ,

andreas-weberTerugkijkend op een bewogen drupa jaar constateert collega journalist Andreas Weber dat print dankzij zijn toegevoegde waarde met een comeback bezig is. Niet alleen wordt er weer geïnvesteerd en meer gedrukt, ook de beurswaarde en resultaten van apparatuurfabrikanten als Heidelberg en KBA heeft de stijgende lijn weer te pakken. Volgens Weber allemaal geen reden om achterover te leunen en af te wachten. Hij adviseert om gebruik te maken van het moment en in te haken op de groeikansen die de combinatie van print en digitale technieken biedt.

Lees via deze link de Engelstalige samenvatting van zijn artikel en via onderstaande links de complete Duitstalige versie van zijn informatieve serie publicaties.

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• Teil 1: Print in seiner (globalen) wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung

• Teil 2: (Unvermutete) Wachstumstreiber im Print-Geschäft

• Teil 3: Positionierung und Strategien der Techniklieferanten

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Sonja Angerer: The secret of super fine inkjet drops – Wild Format #2.10

17 okt 2016
Categorie: ,,,

Sonja Angerer 5x6 300ppi bw kopieIn the 10th article of the Wild Format series LFP and inkjet expert Sonja Angerer reveals the secret behind the very fine inkjet drops which make this print technology unique. In her article “The Art and Science of Very Fine Drops” she also explains that, although the average print buyer isn´t interested in technology, it is a good idea to explain why not every inkjet ink is suitable for every job.


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Sonja Angerer: Het geheim van superfijne inkjetdruppels – Wild Format 2.10

17 okt 2016
Categorie: ,

In alweer de 10e aflevering van de Wild Format series onthult LFP en inkjet expert Sonja Angerer het geheim achter de superfijne inkjetdruppels die deze afdruktechniek uniek maken. In haar artikel “The Art and Science of Very Fine Drops” legt ze ook uit dat, hoewel de gemiddelde print buyer niet geïnteresseerd is in techniek, het toch goed is om uit te leggen dat niet elke inkjet inkt geschikt is voor elke opdracht.



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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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