Rob van den Braak
Siegwerk and AtéCé Graphic Products have signed a distribution agreement for the Dutch market relating to Siegwerk’s UV and LED UV inks as well as its new K-Supply inks certified for Komori’s H-UV system.
Siegwerk has approved AtéCé Graphic Products, the Benelux market leader in offset plates, printing inks, coatings, printing and stripping blankets and washcloth rolls, as exclusive distributor for its UV ink portfolio in the Netherlands. The companies signed a distribution agreement, whereby AtéCé is now Siegwerk’s first official ink distributor for the Benelux region.
AtéCé will provide its customers with Siegwerk’s high quality UV and LED UV ink series as well as further UV inks currently under development that will be optimized for Komori’s H-UV system. Siegwerk and Komori have lately signed a manufacturing and supply agreement for UV inks for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The high sensitive UV inks produced by Siegwerk will be sold under the brand name “K-Supply.”
“We are delighted to be selected as Siegwerk’s first distributor in the Netherlands. With this cooperation we can expand our offering for our customers with a range of high quality UV inks including officially certified K-Supply inks for Komori equipment,” said Bert Schelhaas, CEO at AtéCé Graphic Products.
As independent international producer of prepress and press chemistry, dispersion and UV coatings, AtéCé offers products to more than 65 countries in Europe, Africa, North and South America, the Middle East and Asia. The company is one of Komori’s official distributors in the Netherlands and offers equipment and presses, including Komori’s H-UV system to their customers in this area.
“AtéCé’s vast experience and its excellent reputation makes the company a perfect distribution partner for us. As one of the leading global ink manufacturers and a specialist for UV technology, we see this partnership as opportunity to offer our high quality UV ink solutions to a specially targeted group of customers,” said Björn Torfs, sales manager BeNeLux for Sheetfed & UV inks at Siegwerk. “With AtéCé we have now access to Komori customers in the Netherlands and can provide them with our new K-Supply inks optimized for Komori’s H-UV system.”
Source: inkworldmagazine
Lees verder....AtéCé Graphic Products is door Siegwerk benoemd als de exclusieve distributeur van zijn UV Ink producten. De Siegwerk UV inkten zijn geoptimaliseerd voor de nieuwe Komori H-UV persen. Onder de naam K-Supply worden de inkten nu exclusief door AtéCé verkocht. Lees meer over deze overeenkomst en de Siegwerk UV en Led UV inks in het onderstaande persbericht.
Siegwerk Appoints AtéCé as Exclusive Distributor for its UV Ink Portfolio in The Netherlands
Siegwerk and AtéCé Graphic Products have signed a distribution agreement for the Dutch market relating to Siegwerk’s UV and LED UV inks as well as its new K-Supply inks certified for Komori’s H-UV system.
Siegwerk has approved AtéCé Graphic Products, the Benelux market leader in offset plates, printing inks, coatings, printing and stripping blankets and washcloth rolls, as exclusive distributor for its UV ink portfolio in the Netherlands. The companies signed a distribution agreement, whereby AtéCé is now Siegwerk’s first official ink distributor for the Benelux region.
AtéCé will provide its customers with Siegwerk’s high quality UV and LED UV ink series as well as further UV inks currently under development that will be optimized for Komori’s H-UV system. Siegwerk and Komori have lately signed a manufacturing and supply agreement for UV inks for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The high sensitive UV inks produced by Siegwerk will be sold under the brand name “K-Supply.”
“We are delighted to be selected as Siegwerk’s first distributor in the Netherlands. With this cooperation we can expand our offering for our customers with a range of high quality UV inks including officially certified K-Supply inks for Komori equipment,” said Bert Schelhaas, CEO at AtéCé Graphic Products.
As independent international producer of prepress and press chemistry, dispersion and UV coatings, AtéCé offers products to more than 65 countries in Europe, Africa, North and South America, the Middle East and Asia. The company is one of Komori’s official distributors in the Netherlands and offers equipment and presses, including Komori’s H-UV system to their customers in this area.
“AtéCé’s vast experience and its excellent reputation makes the company a perfect distribution partner for us. As one of the leading global ink manufacturers and a specialist for UV technology, we see this partnership as opportunity to offer our high quality UV ink solutions to a specially targeted group of customers,” said Björn Torfs, sales manager BeNeLux for Sheetfed & UV inks at Siegwerk. “With AtéCé we have now access to Komori customers in the Netherlands and can provide them with our new K-Supply inks optimized for Komori’s H-UV system.”
19 October is International Print Day, #IPD16, a 24-hour event about Print mainly via social media.
The theme is #PrintSmart. At 9pm GMT (23.00 in the Netherlands) Twitter will do a #PrintChat. The organisation encourages everyone involved with print to participate. IPD is an initiative by Deborah Corn from Print Media Centr. Last Year #IPD15 generated 27 million views in 24 hours.
The Print Day organisation wants to provide education and information to the global print and integrated marketing community through 24-HR OPEN KNOWLEDGE SHARING and provide participants access to information about global companies, products and services as well as provide global networking opportunities.
IPD will become a yearly event. Corn calls out to everyone to make it great party. “Invite clients and participate in this day. Just like print itself creativity has no limits. Be inventive and let´s make Print a trend”.
#IPD16 will start in Australia at 9am local time and ends at 5pm local time in the USA.
(bron: SignPro)
Lees verder....Newspapers are having a tough time. Part of the problem is their image, as content medium and as environmental polluter. In her Verdigris blog Laurel Brunner talks about this problem and she make recommendations on what newspapers can do to positively influence this image. Read her “Newspapers and Change” blog on our articles page.
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Kranten hebben het moeilijk. Een deel van het probleem is het imago dat papier heeft als contentmedium en als milieuvervuilende techniek. In haar Verdigris Blog licht Laurel Brunner dit probleem toe en geeft ze aanbevelingen over wat krantenuitgevers er aan zouden kunnen doen. Lees haar “Newspapers and Change” blog op onze artikelenpagina.
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Niet alleen de resultaten en uitzichten voor grafische bedrijven zitten in de lift. Ook uitgeverij scoren volgens het bericht van de NOS beter:
Uitgeverijen hebben voor het eerst sinds crisis meer omzet
Na jaren van malaise is de omzet van uitgeverijen de eerste helft van dit jaar voor het eerst weer gestegen. Dat was sinds 2008 niet meer gebeurd. Het gaat om een kleine omzetstijging van 0,2 procent.
Sinds 2008 zijn uitgevers van boeken, kranten en tijdschriften zo’n 30 procent van hun omzet kwijtgeraakt, zegt ABN Amro in een rapport over de sector.
Vooral uitgevers van boeken en vakliteratuur doen nu goede zaken, zegt de bank. Bij de kranten en tijdschriften gaat het nog minder goed, al lijken ook daar de zwaarste jaren achter de rug.
De omzetgroei komt vooral doordat we vaker digitale producten van uitgevers kopen. Van de verkochte boeken was vorig jaar 6,9 procent een e-boek en van de krantenabonnementen was 13,1 procent enkel digitaal.
Nederland loopt daarmee wel achter op bijvoorbeeld de VS. Uitgevers in Nederland hebben volgens ABN Amro de kat uit de boom gekeken, terwijl een partij als Amazon in de VS groot inzette op e-boeken.
Uitgevers nemen digitaal nu wel een stuk serieuzer dan een aantal jaar geleden. En ze ontdekken prijs als een middel om te groeien.
“Op de boekenmarkt liggen de prijzen van e-boeken veel lager dan van printboeken”, zegt Steven Peters, sectoranalist bij ABN Amro. “En het verschil is alleen maar groter geworden. Terwijl printboeken in prijs stegen, is de prijs van het e-boek juist sterk gedaald. Tussen 2010 en 2015 nam het verschil toe van 13 naar maar liefst 47 procent. De e-boekenmarkt heeft zich ontwikkeld tot een meer volwassen markt, met papier als premiumproduct.”
Lees verder....Apogee version 10 users can now integrate their prepress workflow with EFI Fiery Digital Front Ends. Thanks to this integration they are able to manage dozens of digital print solutions directly from Apogee. This makes the hybrid workflow with output to traditional and digital print technology a lot simpler. Read more about this new solution in th press release below.
Agfa Graphics and EFI Enhance Hybrid Workflows through Apogee 10 Integration with Fiery Digital Front Ends |
Electronics For Imaging, Inc. and Agfa Graphics have developed an integration between EFI™ Fiery® digital front ends (DFEs) and Agfa Graphics’ latest Apogee 10 system to enable joint customers to increase digital printing productivity and profits “With this integration, existing Agfa Apogee users, including users of the latest Apogee 10 system, will be able to take advantage of hybrid offset/digital workflows,” said Andy Grant, Head of Software at Agfa Graphics. “Through certified, industry standard JDF connectivity, Apogee users can select from the wide choice of Fiery Driven digital presses to establish easy and quick ways to direct jobs to the most appropriate print devices for the best production scenario.”
While many printing companies use digital presses to cost effectively meet increasing demand for short runs, fast turnaround, and value-added services, many digital presses do not efficiently integrate into offset workflows. Agfa Graphics and EFI deliver one of the most advanced hybrid print workflows available in the commercial market, taking advantage of the strengths of both traditional offset and Fiery Driven™ digital presses. One customer who has streamlined its operations with the Fiery/Apogee integration, Hakan Walhed, general manager of Malmö, Sweden-based printing company Skånetryck, conducts preparation tasks such as imposition, media selection and color management for Fiery Driven digital presses right from the familiar Apogee user interface, eliminating touchpoints for production. “We save up to two hours on busy days,” Walhed says of the integration’s benefits. Plus, the consistent prepress workflow between offset and digital presses with Apogee and Fiery integration helps Skånetryck’s operators achieve a close match in color quality with minimum training.”
Agfa Graphics Apogee 10: saving valuable time in prepress EFI Fiery DFEs: Delivering more from digital press investments Users also can leverage award-winning EFI Fiery color management technology from one consolidated point of control with color profiles and rendering intent managed by Apogee. In addition, Apogee users can access the full Fiery Paper Catalog from the Apogee user interface, with the system dynamically mapping media selection to the Fiery DFE. Users can also map parameters for inline finishing on Fiery Driven digital presses. And, in Fiery/Apogee integrated hybrid workflows, Fiery DFEs report job status data directly to Apogee so both prepress and production operators can monitor job status in real time. “Within Agfa’s large Apogee installed base, there are also a large number of Fiery Driven digital presses from all of the leading digital press manufacturers,” said Toby Weiss, senior vice president and general manager, EFI Fiery. “This integration will enable those organizations to streamline their workflow even more, taking time and touches out of the process for a more cost-efficient operation, critical in today’s fast-paced and highly competitive printing environment.”
Apogee gebruikers kunnen met versie 10 hun prepress workflow nu ook koppelen met EFI Fiery Digital Front Ends. Dankzij deze koppeling zijn ze in staat om tientallen digitale printoplossingen rechtstreeks vanuit Apogee aan te sturen. Het opzetten van een hybride workflow met output naar traditionele en digitale afdruktechnieken wordt daarmee een stuk eenvoudiger. Lees meer over deze nieuwe automatiseringsmogelijkheid in onderstaand persbericht.
Agfa Graphics and EFI Enhance Hybrid Workflows through Apogee 10 Integration with Fiery Digital Front Ends |
Electronics For Imaging, Inc. and Agfa Graphics have developed an integration between EFI™ Fiery® digital front ends (DFEs) and Agfa Graphics’ latest Apogee 10 system to enable joint customers to increase digital printing productivity and profits “With this integration, existing Agfa Apogee users, including users of the latest Apogee 10 system, will be able to take advantage of hybrid offset/digital workflows,” said Andy Grant, Head of Software at Agfa Graphics. “Through certified, industry standard JDF connectivity, Apogee users can select from the wide choice of Fiery Driven digital presses to establish easy and quick ways to direct jobs to the most appropriate print devices for the best production scenario.”
While many printing companies use digital presses to cost effectively meet increasing demand for short runs, fast turnaround, and value-added services, many digital presses do not efficiently integrate into offset workflows. Agfa Graphics and EFI deliver one of the most advanced hybrid print workflows available in the commercial market, taking advantage of the strengths of both traditional offset and Fiery Driven™ digital presses. One customer who has streamlined its operations with the Fiery/Apogee integration, Hakan Walhed, general manager of Malmö, Sweden-based printing company Skånetryck, conducts preparation tasks such as imposition, media selection and color management for Fiery Driven digital presses right from the familiar Apogee user interface, eliminating touchpoints for production. “We save up to two hours on busy days,” Walhed says of the integration’s benefits. Plus, the consistent prepress workflow between offset and digital presses with Apogee and Fiery integration helps Skånetryck’s operators achieve a close match in color quality with minimum training.”
Agfa Graphics Apogee 10: saving valuable time in prepress EFI Fiery DFEs: Delivering more from digital press investments Users also can leverage award-winning EFI Fiery color management technology from one consolidated point of control with color profiles and rendering intent managed by Apogee. In addition, Apogee users can access the full Fiery Paper Catalog from the Apogee user interface, with the system dynamically mapping media selection to the Fiery DFE. Users can also map parameters for inline finishing on Fiery Driven digital presses. And, in Fiery/Apogee integrated hybrid workflows, Fiery DFEs report job status data directly to Apogee so both prepress and production operators can monitor job status in real time. “Within Agfa’s large Apogee installed base, there are also a large number of Fiery Driven digital presses from all of the leading digital press manufacturers,” said Toby Weiss, senior vice president and general manager, EFI Fiery. “This integration will enable those organizations to streamline their workflow even more, taking time and touches out of the process for a more cost-efficient operation, critical in today’s fast-paced and highly competitive printing environment.”
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Het team van gelooft sterk in Multi Channel Publishing en zeker in Social Media Publishing. Want via social media vind je meer en sneller gemotiveerde lezers voor elk soort content dan via print. Daarom proberen we zoveel mogelijk vormen van social media publishing toe te passen. Van simpele tweets tot Flipboard magazines zetten we in om onze content wereldwijd te verspreiden.
Helaas bevinden veel van deze vormen zich nog in het stenen tijdperk. Van technische problemen tot storende bugs en van stijle leercurven tot het gewoon ontbreken van een goede handleiding teisteren deze veelbelovende mediavormen. Zo heeft Flipboard een eigen wil als het gaat om artikelen publiceren; de ene dag lukt alles, de andere dag lukt het pas na vier keer proberen via een smartphone.
Zo krijgen we via LinkedIn en ScoopIt steeds meer lezers van onze online publicaties en meer abonnees voor onze nieuwsbrieven. Dat is een global trend die ons sterkt om de Engelstalige versie verder uit te bouwen en tijd in deze nieuwe mediavormen te steken.

Unfortunately many of these options are still in the stone age. From technical problems to annoying bugs and from steep learning curves to simply not having a good manual. This all contributes to the bad name of these very promising media outlets. For example Flipboard has its own issues with publishing articles: one day there´s no problem, the next it takes up to four tries with a smartphone before an article is actually published.
Setting up a workflow to publish articles via LinkedIn, Facebook or Google+ requires stamina as it will take many hours. Another problem with a new technology – think DeskTop Publishing – is the evolution service companies and app developers go through. Take-overs, business model adjustments or just simply ceasing services are all part of this.
But we think that the results of this new form of publishing are good and there is definitely a role for Social Media Publishing within the wider scope of Multi Channel Publishing which seems to be the future of our industry. gets more readers and newsletter subscribers via LinkedIn and ScoopIt. This is a global trend which strengthens our efforts in doing the same for the English language version.
Ready-made solutions
There are some ready-made solutions for companies that want to re-use their print content for digital publication. At the top end of the market there are solutions from companies such as Agfa offering a press-a-button solution with Eversify mobile publishing. Woodwing integrates its Enterprise print and app publishing solutions with social media publishing to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. These are not cheap solutions which also require experience and Adobe Publishing Suite.
At the lower end of the market you can certainly find good solutions. offers a number of plugins for WordPress CSM which allows quick publishing to any social media channel with the Pro version. Companies such as Google and Facebook are increasingly offering tools for sharing content to their channels. This is of course in their own interest and it pays to read the terms and conditions – especially for advertising and copyright. But the fact that these giants are interested in publishing emphasises that content will remain king and whoever owns the content owns the client.
So do dive in and look into possibilities, even if it is only to decide that Social Media Publishing does not fit your strategy and your preference would be to outsource it to specialists.
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Publishing is global. Dat betekent dat naast wereldtalen zoals Engels en Spaans een global publisher 300 talen moet ondersteunen. Bij elkaar opgeteld heb je voor die ondersteuning 300.000 verschillende lettertekens nodig. Google, dat zwaar inzet op automatische vertalingen van webcontent, pakt dit probleem voortvarend aan. Het ontwikkelt, samen met fontleverancier Monotype, een nieuw font, Noto, dat elk geschreven letterteken van elke van de 20.000 gesproken talen bevat. Noto is een combinatie van no more en tofu. Tofu is de term voor het vakje dat je krijgt als je browser de taal niet herkent, heeft 10x zoveel tekens als Unicode. Het font is gratis te downloaden via deze link. Ongetwijfeld zal Google Noto inbedden in het nieuwe schaalbare computer operating systeem dat straks het hart van elk computer device van IoT tot smartphone en desktopcomputer moet vormen. Dit is de link naar een goed artikel over dit nieuwe font.
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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
De trainingen voor 2022 staan gereed. Kijk voor het volledige online aanbod van bestaande- en nieuwe trainingen op de website.