Rob van den Braak

Nessan Cleary: Hoe werken printheads – Wild Format 2:9

07 okt 2016

xaar-5601-3p0-printhead_webInkjet koppen zijn het kloppend hart van elke inkjet printer. Wat de verschillen zijn tussen de diverse typen koppen en hoe deze koppen aangestuurd worden is het onderwerp van het 9e artikel in de Wild Format serie. Lees The Basics of Printheads van Nessan Cleary op onze artikelen pagina via deze link.




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Nog tot 10 oktober de tijd om 11% korting op al je drukwerk te krijgen

06 okt 2016

drukzo-zonder-moeite-zo-geregeldDe zeer succesvolle actie van Drukzo is bijna afgelopen. Tot 10 oktober kun je door je in te schrijven als Drukzo Pro partner 11% korting claimen. Behalve de 11% korting krijg je dan ook voordelen zoals een speciale betalingstermijn, gratis monsterbox en ondersteuning van de special Pro helpdesk.

Inschrijven kan via deze link, maar wacht niet te lang want 10 oktober is de actie echt afgelopen!



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Global Graphics CTO voorzitter nieuwe ISO werkgroep voor een gestandaardiseerde idee-tot-afdruk PDF-workflow

05 okt 2016
Categorie: ,

          Global Graphics CTO Martin Bailey

De ISO organisatie heeft al veel grafische deelprocessen genormaliseerd en van internationaal erkende standaards voorzien. Nu wil de organisatie, gesteund door rip- en workflowfabrikant Global Graphics (bekend van de Harlequin RIP) het hele proces van idee tot afdruk standaardiseren. De ISO TC130/WG2/TF5 werkgroep heeft als taak om een PDF workflow op te zetten waarin het eindresultaat, onafhankelijk van de afdruktechniek, voorspelbaar en gestandaardiseerd is. Lees meer over deze zeer ambitieuze doelstelling in het onderstaande persbericht.



Global Graphics chairs new ISO task force for PDF workflow

A new ISO task force has set to work on producing a PDF standard to guide production workflow decisions and will make it possible to describe what a final printed piece is supposed to look like.   

The new task force is being chaired by Global Graphics’ CTO Martin Bailey and has been formed in response to requests from transactional printers to be able to include media selections and simplex/duplex controls in a PDF file. 

When the PDF/VT Competence Center in the PDF Association reviewed this request they concluded that the benefits of a suitable solution would apply across the entire printing industry, not just in variable data applications. 

Martin Bailey comments, “the new standard will enable graphic designers, file creators and buyers to describe how their final work should look without having to specify the details of the processes required to make it. The thought process is that the digital front end (DFE) on a digital press can map from that to the actual steps needed. 

“As a simple example, a request for a specific substrate should be fairly easy to map to an entry in the media library in a DFE and therefore to tray selections (on a sheet-fed press) and to installing the correct ICC color profile. In closed loop workflows such as web to print the first mapping shouldn’t be necessary at all, because the media selection will be pre-populated from the same data as the media library. 

“Our first goal is a standard for graphic arts, but there has already been discussion of following on with equivalents targeted more specifically at packaging and at wide format. If you’re interested in getting involved please contact your national standards body and tell them you want to work in ISO TC130/WG2/TF5. If you don’t know who to contact in your country, drop me a line and I’m happy to make introductions.” 

Martin Bailey can be reached on

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VIGC web2print conference: all about cooperation

05 okt 2016
Categorie: ,

Vice President of Cimpress Open, Diane Swint

The traditional web to print conference by Belgium VIGC which was held on 14 September hosted by Agfa was all about cooperation. It followed the trend of companies increasingly using the strength of others, even competitors, and the important role of automation.

In her new role as Vice President of Cimpress Open, Diane Swint talked about a future where companies not only work with partners, but also with competitors. Quite remarkable from a company, previously Vistaprint, which is known to be quite closed. It was hard for people to find open doors and the production processes were kept a secret. Vistaprint only sold what they produced. So this is a 180 degree turn. Cimpress, parent company of both Vistaprint and Drukwerkdeal, has opened its doors with Cimpress Open. Any supplier can become partner and any webshop can sell Cimpress Open related products. There is a good reason for this switch. According to Diane Swint “the world print market is worth 980 billion dollars according to Pira. If we want to remain a player in this market we will have to work together with others. When we started the advantage was in developing one´s own closed industry. That is no longer the case. To grow faster we  have to work together.”

A company working along the same principles is Danish Lastryk. The biggest print shop in Denmark, with a turnover of 50 million in a country with 5,6 million inhabitants owes its success to the internet. The company understood there are many companies in Denmark that are successful locally or in targeted markets. Founder Esben Mols Kabell: “By opening our webshops for other parties everyone grows faster.” A good example is the webshop for real estate agents where agents can put together specific print work for specific clients.

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Global Graphics chairs new ISO workgroup for a complete idea-to-print PDF workflow standard

05 okt 2016
Categorie: ,

ISO has worked on norms and standards for many print processes. The organisation now is looking to prepare standards and norms for the full idea-to-print process. They are supported in this by rip and workflow manufacturer Global Graphics (known from Harlequin RIP). The ISO TC130/WG2/TF5 workflos is tasked with determining a PDF workflow standard which will produce a predictable end result independent of the print technology. Read more about this very ambitious plan in the press release below.


Global Graphics CTO Martin Bailey

Global Graphics chairs new ISO task force for PDF workflow

A new ISO task force has set to work on producing a PDF standard to guide production workflow decisions and will make it possible to describe what a final printed piece is supposed to look like.   

The new task force is being chaired by Global Graphics’ CTO Martin Bailey and has been formed in response to requests from transactional printers to be able to include media selections and simplex/duplex controls in a PDF file. 

When the PDF/VT Competence Center in the PDF Association reviewed this request they concluded that the benefits of a suitable solution would apply across the entire printing industry, not just in variable data applications. 

Martin Bailey comments, “the new standard will enable graphic designers, file creators and buyers to describe how their final work should look without having to specify the details of the processes required to make it. The thought process is that the digital front end (DFE) on a digital press can map from that to the actual steps needed. 

“As a simple example, a request for a specific substrate should be fairly easy to map to an entry in the media library in a DFE and therefore to tray selections (on a sheet-fed press) and to installing the correct ICC color profile. In closed loop workflows such as web to print the first mapping shouldn’t be necessary at all, because the media selection will be pre-populated from the same data as the media library. 

“Our first goal is a standard for graphic arts, but there has already been discussion of following on with equivalents targeted more specifically at packaging and at wide format. If you’re interested in getting involved please contact your national standards body and tell them you want to work in ISO TC130/WG2/TF5. If you don’t know who to contact in your country, drop me a line and I’m happy to make introductions.” 

Martin Bailey can be reached on

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Strategic cooperation between KBA and ACTEGA underlines the role of coatings in print

04 okt 2016
Categorie: ,

Ralf Sammeck, CEO of KBA-Sheetfed Solutions (left), and Jörg Eck, managing director of ACTEGA Terra, after signing of the cooperation agreement in Radebeul (1)

Printer manufacturer KBA has announced their cooperation plans with coatings manufacturer ACTEGA. The plan is to develop products and solutions for print shops with a KBA offset press that guarantee the best results from the inline coater. The cooperation is global and applies to all water-based, HR-UV and LED-UV coatings which ACTEGA offers via its worldwide sales network.
Print coating is increasingly requested by clients, and allows the print work to be finished and sent straight from the printer. KBA and ACTEGA will not only test the solutions but will also show them in progress during events. More information in the press release below.






Cooperation in the field of inline finishing

The prime objective of the cooperation is to ensure the availability of high-quality coating systems for KBA’s high-performance sheetfed offset presses. Already during commissioning, the use of correspondingly approved products under uniform conditions will serve to establish application standards. This, in turn, will safeguard both outstanding finishing quality and high performance in the inline coating process.

All users who obtain their coating products through the ACTEGA sales network will benefit from the predefined product standards, as new products will already be tested and optimised for use on Rapida sheetfed offset presses. On the bottom line, the cooperation can thus be seen as a further means to maximise the business success of users whose work involves the application of varnish coatings in an inline process.

ACTEGA coatings are already today a product of choice in the KBA customer centre (2)

KBA and ACTEGA will be cooperating at global level. The plans to date include joint product and sales training, print demonstrations at KBA, at fairs and at customer events, the development of appropriate starter kits to be supplied with new presses, and continuous further development of the products concerned. To this end, regular tests will be conducted on the Rapida presses installed at the KBA customer centre. The cooperation covers water-based, UV, HR-UV and LED-UV coatings.

In addition, KBA-Sheetfed and ACTEGA have further joint projects in the pipeline, such as the annual ACTEGA-Terra calendar and user-oriented marketing activities.

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Strategische samenwerking tussen KBA en ACTEGA onderstreept de toenemende rol van coatings in drukwerk

04 okt 2016
Categorie: ,,

Ralf Sammeck, CEO of KBA-Sheetfed Solutions (left), and Jörg Eck, managing director of ACTEGA Terra, after signing of the cooperation agreement in Radebeul (1)

Drukpersfabrikant KBA heeft een vergaande samenwerking aangekondigd met ACTEGA, fabrikant van coatings. De samenwerking moet leiden tot gecertificeerde producten en toepassingen die drukkers met een KBA offsetpers de garantie geven dat ze het optimale resultaat halen uit hun inline coater. De samenwerking is wereldwijd en bevat alle water-based, UV, HR-UV and LED-UV coatings die ACTEGA via zijn sales netwerk aanbiedt.

Coating van drukwerk in de pers is niet alleen een door klanten steeds meer gevraagde meerwaarde optie, maar maakt het ook mogelijk drukwerk direct uit de pers af te werken of te versturen. KBA en ACTEGA zullen niet alleen alle mogelijke toepassingen testen en certificeren maar dit ook tijdens evenementen in de praktijk laten zien. Meer informatie lees je in onderstaand persbericht.

Cooperation in the field of inline finishing

The prime objective of the cooperation is to ensure the availability of high-quality coating systems for KBA’s high-performance sheetfed offset presses. Already during commissioning, the use of correspondingly approved products under uniform conditions will serve to establish application standards. This, in turn, will safeguard both outstanding finishing quality and high performance in the inline coating process.

All users who obtain their coating products through the ACTEGA sales network will benefit from the predefined product standards, as new products will already be tested and optimised for use on Rapida sheetfed offset presses. On the bottom line, the cooperation can thus be seen as a further means to maximise the business success of users whose work involves the application of varnish coatings in an inline process.

ACTEGA coatings are already today a product of choice in the KBA customer centre (2)

KBA and ACTEGA will be cooperating at global level. The plans to date include joint product and sales training, print demonstrations at KBA, at fairs and at customer events, the development of appropriate starter kits to be supplied with new presses, and continuous further development of the products concerned. To this end, regular tests will be conducted on the Rapida presses installed at the KBA customer centre. The cooperation covers water-based, UV, HR-UV and LED-UV coatings.

In addition, KBA-Sheetfed and ACTEGA have further joint projects in the pipeline, such as the annual ACTEGA-Terra calendar and user-oriented marketing activities.

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Pantone Tiffany Blue: mad about colour

03 okt 2016

tiffany-blue-box21Colour is a powerful weapon for brands. Finding the right, distinguishing colour which suits the brand is a real science according to Pantone. A science that they are happy to help you with, against a fee of course, with their Pantone Color Institute. Their latest newsletter focuses on Tiffany Blue as an example of such a colour. The videos give a good idea of how to use colour marketing to add value to printed materials. The facts that the Tiffany Blue ink recipe is one of the best kept secret and it is the Pantone colour most difficult to imitate sounds a bit mad. But then, they´re mad about colour at Pantone.


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Pantone Tiffany Blue: Gek van Kleur

03 okt 2016

tiffany-blue-box21Kleur is een krachtig wapen voor merken. Het vinden van een kleur die bij een merk past en zich onderscheidt van de concurrentie is volgens Pantone een echte wetenschap. Een wetenschap die ze graag, tegen betaling, voor je inzetten met het Pantone Color Institute. Als voorbeeld geeft het bedrijf, in zijn laatste nieuwsbrief, Tiffany Blue. De video’s van alle betrokkenen leren je in ieder geval hoe je kleurmarketing in kunt zetten om meerwaarde aan drukwerk te geven. Of het inktrecept voor Tiffany Blue een van de best bewaarde geheimen is en of Tiffany Blue de moeilijkst na te maken Pantone kleur is klinkt een beetje gek, maar ja ze zijn dan ook ‘gek van kleur’ bij Pantone.


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Verhoog je drukwerkmarge met 11%

30 sep 2016
margin-growHet kan echt; je marge op drukwerk met 11% verhogen en ook nog zonder investering!
Het enige wat je moet doen is je voor 10 oktober 2016 registreren als deelnemer aan het Drukzo PRO programma. Als je je aanmeld krijg je direct 11% korting op elke order die je plaatst, zonder voorwaarden.
Inclusief is ook een samplebox om alle drukwerk mogelijkheden aan je klanten te laten zien, een aangepaste betaaltermijn en toegang tot exclusieve PRO events.
Bij Drukzo werken ze momenteel keihard aan een ijzersterke White Label Shop, een geavanceerde digital asset management tool en een API koppeling zodat je Drukzo kan koppelen aan je eigen website. Deze tools zijn allemaal bedoeld om jouw business makkelijker en slimmer te maken.
Meer informatie over de marge verhogende actie via deze link of bel direct met het PRO-team, 088-0888600.

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Lumi: web2print voor verpakkingen

30 sep 2016
Categorie: ,

lumiJe snapt niet waarom het er nog niet was, een website waar je alles rond verpakkingen kunt bestellen en voorzien van je eigen logo en ontwerp. Lumi vult dit gat. Het idee van Jesse Genet, die haar sporen al verdiende met een start-up die consumenten laat printen op elk oppervlak is briljant en zal zeker navolging krijgen. Meer info via deze link.

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Lumi: web2print for packaging

30 sep 2016
Categorie: ,

lumiIt is difficult to understand why this didn´t already exist, a website for ordering and customizing packaging. Lumi fills the gap. Jesse Genet, known from other print start-ups, came up with this brilliant idea which is sure to find a following. More information via this link. 


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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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