Rob van den Braak
In the seventh article in the Wild Format series Sonja Angerer writes about the importance of choosing the right medium. The choice will not only influence cost price and quality of a wide format print, but also first impressions.
Read her article on our articles page about the difference between PVC and non-PVC films, which soft signage materials are available and what UV curing means for thicker materials.
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Despite the old proverb, humans are prone to judge their fellow man by first impressions, so appearances are important. Why would it be any different for an advertising or communications campaign? That is why making the right substrate selection is vital for every digital printing project.
Many products produced by artisan paper-mill Gmund are certified for digital printing systems. Photo: Gmund
So you already know that your next campaign is going to harvest the power of digital printing because there’s simply no better way to target prospective customers with unique, highly personal flyers, catalogues or direct marketing materials. Now you need to explore the variety of different substrates on offer.
Digital printing has long progressed from the standard A4 or A3 mono or colour page, to a ‘Glamorama’ of fantastic communication choices. When printing using digital technology, you don’t have to forego the pleasures of the finest fancy colours and surfaces. For example, many of the artisan products produced by Gmund, the famous Bavarian paper-mill, are certified for digital printing with HP Indigos, as well as Kodak Nexpress and Xerox iGen. High-impact mailings, personalised luxury packaging, even the finest hotel stationery, the opportunities to make the right impression are positively endless.
Wide format inkjet printing offers an even wider range of fresh, unique opportunities. You can get in contact with even the most elusive audience, once you start to broaden your horizons and consider creative substrate choices for your wild format projects.
A wide range of self-adhesives is available for digitally printed vehicle graphics. Photo: Sonja Angerer
Getting Creative With Films
Modern inkjet systems, regardless of ink technology, print onto a variety of PVC and non-PVC films. With eco/low solvent and water-based inks the range is somewhat limited, since high quality printing results can only be achieved with a special coating. UV-curing and high solvent inks are suitable for a wide range of uncoated films, but the quality of the outcome may also vary a great deal. Therefore, HP took a different route with substrates for its HP Latex printing portfolio. Print media manufacturers are required to undergo a standardised third party testing to receive the “Certified for HP Latex Inks” label, offering Print Service Providers (PSPs) and their customers a peace-of-mind, end-to-end solution for consistent and reliable quality.
Films are available as self-adhesives as well as standard non-glue versions, with the former much more common. Cheap, easy to design and highly versatile, contour-cut decals make perfect marketing tools, from bumpers stickers to skateboard decoration.
G-Floor Graphic from Endutex is a 1.9 mm strong transparent PVC substrate for floor graphics. Photo: Sonja Angerer
For digital printing self-adhesives, non and semi-permanent, as well as permanent glue options, are available. If using glue is not an option, there are also some static-cling products. Most often used for clear vinyl windows decals, they stick to any smooth, clean surface and are easily removable. These films are suitable for short to medium-term applications, while standard glue self-adhesives (albeit not necessarily the print on it) may last as long as five years outdoors.
Vehicle wraps on commercial fleets as well as public transport such as buses, trains, planes and even private cars, are another well-established application for digitally printed films. Advertising on vehicles is very effective, especially for products and services that might be interesting for commuters, as passers-by as well as drivers have no real chance to avoid them. If planning a vehicle graphics campaign, do make sure to consult a qualified PSP at the early stages of your project, though. Getting the design right is as essential as choosing the most suitable substrate. While cost effective calandered vinyl may do for short term promotions, a high quality cast film with lamination is required for long-term applications. Some manufacturers like Avery and 3M also offer warranties for certified PSPs that cover many potential problems of a vehicle wrapping project, including safe removal once the campaign is over.
In recent years, a creative substrate manufacturing industry has established an even wider range of speciality films, including printable blackboard and floor graphic films as well as One-Way-Vision products. Mounted on windows or clear panels, they maintain the privacy of the people inside, who are still able to look outside, making possible many creative solutions for vehicles, shop-fittings, and hospitality areas.
Easy Dot Chalkboard Black is a new printable black-board film by Neschen. Photo: Neschen
Soft To The Touch
Soft signage using textiles, is unique to digital printing. The term refers to applications where posters, displays or light box graphics are printed onto woven or non-woven fabric instead of paper or film. Typical grammages range from under 150g/sqm up to more than 300 g/sqm. Direct print with aqueous or UV-curing inks is as well established as transfer sublimation processes. Printed typically onto polyester (PES) and other manmade fibres like Nylon, soft signage applications are mainly for indoor use. Outdoor digital textile applications, usually banners and flags, are directly printed onto heavy-duty polyester fabric to ensure a perfect print-through.
Soft signage has become increasingly popular with retailers all over the world within the last few years, with large chains investing heavily into rubber lip lightbox systems, taking full advantage of soft signage’s unique advantages. Fabrics are most easily folded, leaving no permanent crease marks for a brilliant graphic nicely wrapped up into a handy parcel, instead of a long roll for cost-effective and fast transportation and easy mounting even by untrained sales personnel.
No Rest for the Rigid
Rigid media is another alternative to plain paper digital printing. Rigid boards are usually printed with UV-curing inks, except for the paper-based corrugated boards most often used for packaging, where manufacturers are starting to offer low migration aqueous inks into the market.
UV-curing inks can be used to print directly onto a wide variety of standard substrates like foam and composite panels or corrugated plastics, streamlining the production process of displays and printed boards for POS and trade show applications. As the ink is cured within seconds, it is also possible to print onto virtually any rigid substrate, such as sheet metal, glass, Perspex, stone, MDF and wood for indoor and outdoor use. Why not try for a printed table top instead of a logo on the menu when advertising a new craft beer brand?
A Cost Effective Process
As a general rule, wide format digital printing onto non-paper substrates is more expensive and requires a different set of skills than standard print applications on paper. You have to consider the right medium as well as the most effective digital printing technology to ensure your wild format campaign’s success.
However, commercial print products – analogue or digitally printed – might not be an effective way to target today’s customers who have progressed from paper to digital media as their channel of choice, or simply because their lifestyle has become so mobile that they can’t even be bothered to maintain a post box. Clever indoor and outdoor, below-the-line or mixed media, campaigns are able to catch these target groups’ attention where they don’t expect it: on the street, in their car, in all their favourite places. This makes wide format printing applications today’s most powerful printing technology to use with a range of substrates limited only by the designers and print buyers’ imaginations.
Sonja Angerer
The Wild Format guides are intended to expand awareness and understanding of the craziness that can be created on wide format digital printing devices, from floors to lampshades and everything in between.
These guides are made possible by a group of manufacturers working together with Digital Dots. Together we hope you enjoy the articles and that you put into practise what you learn. If you want to talk about it, go to our LinkedIn group at via this link.
Enjoy and Go Wild!
Lees verder....Xanté proudly reports that the number of envelopes printed on its Impressia printers has doubled to 107 million. This was a surprise also for Xanté. According to CEO Robert Ross the growth is mainly from the non-business market. Envelopes for party, graduation or wedding invitations is a growth market for personalisation. Ross expects an extra increase before the end of the year because of the trend in personalised Christmas cards.
Als reactie op Apple’s besluit om de koptelefoonaansluiting op de nieuwe iPhone 7 te laten vervallen, verschenen er hilarische reacties op het internet. Onze favoriet is de Apple style product video. Bekijk ze allemaal via deze link.
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In het zesde artikel in de Wild Format serie gaat Nessan Cleary in op de basisprincipes van groot formaat printing. Hij legt het verschil tussen solvent en water based inkten uit. En wat het belang is van UV droging en de relatie tussen resolutie en kijkafstand. Lees zijn artikel op onze artikelen pagina via deze link.
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Na de DTP en POD revoluties krijgt onze industrie nu te maken met een MCP eruptie. Die Multi Channel Publishing eruptie zal bestaande business modellen op zijn kop zetten en de wijze waarop we publiceren voorgoed veranderen. Drijvende kracht achter deze eruptie is het simpele feit dat content te waardevol is geworden om maar via één kanaal te publiceren. Kostbare content moet via alle mogelijke kanalen bij de lezer gebracht worden. Van print tot app en van online publicaties tot social media zullen worden ingezet om de aandacht en leestijd van lezers te verwerven.
Producttechnisch is dat geen eenvoudige zaak, omdat elk mediakanaal zijn eigen eisen stelt aan vormgeving, typografie, gebruikersinterface en de lengte van de content. Een voor print opgemaakte pagina is dus per definitie niet geschikt om digitaal te publiceren en mist ook nog de extra mediamogelijkheden zoals video en interactie van nieuwe digitale media.
Maar een lavastroom van apps gaat het mogelijk maken om content digitaal te publiceren. Social media, apps en online publicaties zullen worden ingezet om content onder de aandacht van lezers te brengen. De grote grafische bedrijven en uitgevers zijn daar al jaren mee bezig en gebruiken daar professionele systemen voor, zoals die van Agfa, WoodWing, Quark en Adobe. Dat zijn oplossingen die onbeperkte typografische en lay-out technische mogelijkheden bieden. Oplossingen ook die met een uitgekiende en sterk geautomatiseerde workflow het eenvoudig maken om voor print opgezette publicaties om te zetten naar digitale uitgaven. Uitgaven die op elk elektronisch device van smartphone tot desktop computer gelezen kunnen worden.
Voor kleinere bedrijven of voor bedrijven die (nog) niet zoveel vraag naar MCP hebben zijn er nu eenvoudiger en betaalbare oplossingen. Een voorbeeld van zo’n simpele oplossing is Instant Magazine, een software als een service (SAAS) toepassing. Blokboek gebruikte Instant Magazine om een drupa magazine te maken, een magazine dat door +3.000 mensen gelezen werd. Een alternatief voor Instant Magazine is Woodwing Inception, dat net als Instant Magazine gebruikt maakt van HTML 5 en als voordeel heeft dat Inception publicaties door WoodWing Enterprise omgezet kunnen worden naar apps en print-ready pagina’s. Bedrijven zoals Metro, Twixl en Chili bieden in deze klasse ook oplossingen, maar maken vaak wel gebruik van Adobe software voor de opmaak en vormgeving. Adobe en Quark werken ook hard aan een ‘publishing suite’ waarmee niet alleen print maar ook digitale publicaties gemaakt kunnen worden.
Net als bij DTP en POD kun je er als bedrijf voor kiezen niet of later mee te doen met de Multi Channel Publishing hype, maar dat zou een gemiste kans zijn. Want opdrachtgevers zullen zelf of met andere partners hun content in print en digitaal willen verspreiden. En verlies je de content dan verlies je niet alleen omzet, maar hoogstwaarschijnlijk ook klanten. Gelukkig is de investering in Multi Channel Publishing te overzien. Na bijspijkeren van kennis kun je met een SAAS oplossing zelfs per publicatie betalen en tot je publiceert zijn er geen kosten aan verbonden.
Welke oplossing voor jouw bedrijf en jouw klanten de beste is zul je wel zelf moeten uitzoeken. gaat je wel helpen door een aantal oplossingen in de praktijk uit te testen en onze bevindingen te rapporteren. Dat doen we in een serie artikelen die, als alles goed gaat, gebundeld zullen worden in een digitale publicatie, want de proef is zoals altijd in de pudding!
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Picture: César Cantú – Vulcano Colima, Mexico
After the DTP and POD revolutions our industry will now be faced with the MCP eruption. This Multi Channel Publishing eruption will disrupt current business models and forever change the way we publish. Driving force behind MCP is the simple fact that content has become too valuable to publish via one channel only. Valuable content has to be brought to the reader via all possible channels. From print to app and from online publications to social media will be used to get the reader´s time and attention.
Product-wise this is no mean feat, because every media channel has its own demands as far as lay-out, typography, user interface and content length are concerned. A page laid-out for print is not suitable for a digital publication and misses the extra media possibilities such as video and social media interaction.
But, a tsunami of apps will make it possible to publish digital content. Social media, apps and online publications will be used to grab the readers´ attention. The larger print companies and publishers have been working on this for a couple of years now and use professional solutions such as Agfa, Woodwing, Quark and Adobe. These are solutions with unlimited typography and lay-out possibilities. Solutions with a clever and highly automated workflow to make the conversion from print publication to digital publication a simple one. Publications which can be used on an electronic device from smartphone to desktop computer.
For smaller companies and companies who do not yet have much call for MCP there are simpler and economical solutions available. An example of a simple solution is Instant Magazine, a Software As A Service (SAAS) solution. uses Instant Magazine for its drupa magazine which was read by more than 3,000 people. A good alternative is Woodwing Inception, which, just like Instant Magazine, uses HTML5 and has the added advantage of Woodwing Enterprise being able to convert Inception publications to apps and print-ready pages. Companies such as Metro, Twixl and Chili offer similar solutions, but do make use of Adobe software for layout and design. Adobe and Quark are both working hard on a publishing suite for both print and digital publications.
Like with DTP and POD companies can choose to not join the Multi Channel Publishing hype or postpone joining. But that would not be a wise decision. Clients will want to use the multi channel approach, with or without a partner. So, losing the option would mean you could lose the business. Luckily the investment in Multi Channel Publishing is doable. It will mean updating your knowledge, but a SAAS solution will mean you can pay per publication with no cost until the actual publication.
Which solution is the best for you and your clients will be a challenge. will help you by testing out a few of the solutions and reporting on our findings. We will do this in a series of editorials which will, if all goes well, be published digitally. The proof, as always, will be in the pudding.
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In the sixth article in the Wild Format series Nessan Cleary talks about the basics of wide format printing. He explains the difference between solvent and water based inks, the importance of UV curing and the difference between resolution and viewing distance. Read his article on our articles page via this link.
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Mimaki announced the introduction of two new printer models at Viscom Paris, which will be held from 6 to 8 September in Paris. Mimaki will be at stand G33. the UJF-3042 MkII and the UJF-6042 MkII are the newest generation UV inkjet flatbed printers. They will replace earlier models, the UJF-3042HG and UJF-6042 respectively. New is the higher productivity, better print quality and more flexibility.
“We’ve seen a growing number of our UV-curable printing systems being installed in fabrication laboratories, shopping malls and hardware/DIY stores to enable the creation of customised items,” said Mike Horsten, General Manager Marketing of Mimaki EMEA. “These new printers will ensure the ultimate customer experience in these locations by delivering requested products faster. We also expect to see eager reception for these new printers in sign and display companies, who are always seeking more productive and profitable ways to conduct business.”
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Yes, it is a hype mainly focused on consumers, but IoT is more important for our industry than you´d expect. Just like at home you can save on energy by finetuning the management of light, heat and air. Other solutions which is being used by a number of print manufacturers is maintenance and supplies. Not only will this generate efficiency, but also save on time spent on ordering. More futuristic is operator recognition and access status. Sensors and complete IoT systems, currently focused on the consumer market, will rapidly become more affordable, also for industrial application. Read a short explanation on IoT via this link. More information is readily available, for example a dedicated Wikipedia page.
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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
De trainingen voor 2022 staan gereed. Kijk voor het volledige online aanbod van bestaande- en nieuwe trainingen op de website.