Belgische boekdrukker vernieuwt industriële printlijn

BB160407 Silhouet_Belgium_Screen Truepress Jet 520HDSpecialist in het printen van boeken, Silhouet Digital Print in het Belgische Maldegem heeft zijn print productiecapaciteit fors uitgebreid met de investering in een Screen Truepress Jet520HD. Het is de toenemende vraag naar kleurproducties in boeken die het bedrijf deed besluiten een machine aan te schaffen, die ook de boekomslagen in een doorgang print. Silhouet speelt in op de vraag naar kleine oplagen boeken.


Lees hier het volledige persbericht van Screen:

Book print specialist, Silhouet Digital Print, Maldegem, Belgium, has invested in a Screen Truepress Jet520HD continuous-feed inkjet press to handle an increasing demand for colour books. The new HD press has just been installed and replaces a standard Truepress Jet520 installed three years ago.

Silhouet, headed up by Peter Debaere, specialises in printing short-run legal, financial, scientific and text books. “My first Truepress Jet520 was a very productive and reliable press and ideal for the production of both mono and low-coverage colour books,” says Peter. “But over the last couple of years I have seen a growing requirement for short-run books incorporating high quality colour for which the Truepress Jet520HD is perfectly suited. The fact that there are no click charges involved means that I can print as much or as little colour content as required by the publisher without having to worry about whether I have incurred a ‘colour click’. This gives me much better control over the cost structure of my business. My first Truepress Jet520 completely changed and expanded my business and I fully expect the HD model to do the same!”

Workflow is key to automating production
Like all Screen’s inkjet presses, the TP-J520HD is driven by Equios. The powerful prepress tools and advanced RIP technology ensures that no matter how complex the project, the printer is never waiting for data. Through Equios, Screen also exploits its unique colour screening technology to get the most  out of each head and ink technology. “Screen has great colour management tools within Equios and what is particularly effective is the ability to control the amount of ink that I use for different jobs – this has a big impact on my cost per page” adds Peter.

While Silhouet generally prints covers on cut-sheet toner devices, the TP-J520HD’s ability to print on to board up to 250gsm creates an interesting possibility to produce covers using inkjet. “With a paper range of 40gsm to 250gsm, the TP-J520HD offers me great flexibility from light-weight text papers for journals and high-extent books through to giving me the option of printing longer run covers at ten times the speed” concludes Peter.

Silhouet’s new Truepress is complemented by a Hunkeler cut-sheet line to prepare book blocks which are then bound with a Horizon binding system.

The easy-to-use Truepress Jet520HD delivers superb consistency and reliability to maximise uptime and production capacity. “The uptime is incredible,” says Peter. “Job set up is simple and fast and then I can just leave the printer to run.”


Marco den Engelsman

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1 reactie

  1. Jacco op 22/12/2016 om 14:55

    Mooi nieuws!

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