Blendle tests pay button

BB150915BlendleDigital kiosk Blendle is testing a pay button which newspaper and magazine publishers can integrate into their websites. This pay button will allow Blendle users to pay for articles without having to leave the publisher´s website.
“Newspaper and magazine sites increasingly use pay walls which require registration. Many people think that´s too much hassle”, says Blendle founder Alexander Klöpping. “That is why we have made a button with which Blendle users can pay with only one click.” Blendle has over 400,000 accounts.
“The button started as a hobby project. But when I see the response I think that the button can become even bigger than Blendle”, says Klöpping.

On the site of Dutch magazine Vrij Nederland the first few lines of a paid article can be read. Blendle members can then press the “Continue reading with Blendle” button and payment is made via their Blendle account. As with Blendle itself readers can ask for their money back if the article is not what they expected.
The button is currently only available on the Vrij Nederland site, which published a controversial interview with Felix Rottenberg (Dutch ex-politician). “Publisher rightly no longer want to make longer editorials available for free. The button makes it easy for readers to buy the editorial after all”, according to Klöpping

“There has been a lot of interest from Germany, American and Dutch publishers to integrate the button into their site. I cannot tell you yet when we will extend the test we are running now.” says Klöpping.

Marco den Engelsman

Journalist, fotograaf en communicatiespecialist. Gelooft in de kracht van een mix van media. Een beeld zegt meer dan duizend woorden, maar is altijd krachtiger in combinatie met mooie woorden. En een mix van media versterkt elke boodschap. Met PRStory komen alle media samen. Een krachtig PR-verhaal met tekst, beeld, fotografie en video dat leidt tot onmiddellijke actie. Bezoek voor voorbeelden.

VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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