optimizes production through bar code

Books published in small editions, with special covers, decorations and finishes in any conceivable format are the specialty of the Swiss bookbinder The company has now introduced bar codes to optimize its production. The special feature of this bar code is, however, that it not only contains an encrypted ID, but also the individual format of each book.


When it was founded in 2004, was a pioneer in the photo book production market. Its credo at the time – that still applies today – is efficient production of individual books. Although customers of also acquire a standard book, the company’s actual competence is customized production of high-quality books. These are hallmarked by special covers, finishes and unusual formats. This not only requires comprehensive know-how, but also great skill and craftsmanship.

The company recently equipped its two existing POLAR 78 XT high-speed cutters with bar code readers to optimize cutting of the individual books. Raphael Kacimi, Head of Production at BuBu, explains the starting point for this project: “As we offer a very wide range of formats, we wanted to have an individual cutting program for each product. As we already have two POLAR high-speed cutters in operation, we discussed our requirements with POLAR. It quickly became apparent that we would be able to upgrade our existing equipment. The additional bar code DI-function completely fulfilled our expectations. Today I can say that we have enhanced the process reliability considerably, the error quota is zero. We have also become more flexible.”

Marco den Engelsman

Journalist, fotograaf en communicatiespecialist. Gelooft in de kracht van een mix van media. Een beeld zegt meer dan duizend woorden, maar is altijd krachtiger in combinatie met mooie woorden. En een mix van media versterkt elke boodschap. Met PRStory komen alle media samen. Een krachtig PR-verhaal met tekst, beeld, fotografie en video dat leidt tot onmiddellijke actie. Bezoek voor voorbeelden.

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