Braille cans

BB Cocacola brailleCoca-Cola shows off with a first for the blind and visually impaired: their cans and bottles in Mexico and Argentina will be printed in braille. This means that this group can be included in the successful “Share Happiness” first name campaign of the soda giant.

Mexican advertising agency Anónimo added this very original piece to the popular first name campaign with which the Coca-Cola company is successful worldwide. The agency added a number of popular names in braille to the signature red cans, so visually impaired people can read their own first name.

The initiative was so successful that Coca-Cola placed a vending machine in the local cinema where people could buy a can printed with their name in braille.
In another South American country, Argentina, the soda giant had advertising agency Geometry Global design personalized labels for PET bottles, in particular for Los Murciélagos, the national football club for the blind in Argentina.

Marco den Engelsman

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