Cardboard Virtual Reality glasses
The New York Times will give out one million carton virtual reality glasses to their readers. The readers can use it to watch a virtual reality film called The Displaced. The film is about children in war zones, and is seriously newsworthy. According to the NY Times virtual reality is ideally suited to involve the reader/viewer in the story or event. The NY Times cooperates with Google through their Google Cardboard virtual reality service. Place your smartphone in the cardboard glasses and watch the film via an app. NY Times, which also cooperates with virtual reality company VRSE, is planning to release more VR films and develop their own VR app.
Journalists in the Netherlands are also experimenting with virtual reality. E52 magazine will give away 200 VR glasses in one of their upcoming publications. The readers can view photo series in 360 degree 3D and videos. E52 works together with VRMaster which has produced their own version of Google Cardboard.
Virtual viewer
The cardboard VR glasses seem to be very popular at the moment. Today Elke Plek (everywhere), booking site for camping accommodation, announced they will also use the Google Cardboard VR glasses. With the virtual viewer their customers can have a virtual look at camping accommodation.
Mediamarkt also wants to start using VR glasses and will start a test in Germany. To help customers with for example kitchen appliances, they can walk through a virtual kitchen.
Bron: nytimes/dodebomen/marketingtribune/emerce
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