Typo costs hackers nearly 1 billion dollars

Typos can be very costly as many print shops know. But not as costly as the mistake hackers made whilst preparing transfers from the Bangladesh Central Bank they hacked. Several transfers for about 81 million US$ had already gone through when they mistyped Foundation so that it read Fandation. Staff at Deutsche Bank noticed this…

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Block books from 15th century digitised

The oldest known European wood blocks prints date back to approximately 1450. They were printed with wood blocks made with a lot of craftmanship in Germany and the Netherlands. The Münchener Digitalisierungzentrum has published a selection of these online. And we wouldn’t be Blokboek.com if we didn´t pay some attention to this. These wood blocks have given…

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Meganews: Printing magazines on location

Blokboek.com has previously reported about Swedish Meganews, and now the concept is rolled out further. Before long the Meganews print-on-demand stall for newspapers and magazines will be available in various hotels worldwide. The Meganews stall will offer extra options for publishers and consumers. This will allow travellers to read their favourite magazine in their own language…

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Big Data: printers marry waitresses and secretaries

Big Data, know as much as possible about as many people as possible, is the future according to the experts. Big Data will help multi channel campaigns be more effective and measurable. Bloomberg made an example of what you can do with Big Data, an interactive presentation of which jobs make the best marriage partners.…

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BookBaby: a manual for success in book printing on demand

BookBaby, a service for self-publishers, is not just the source for the price of a print-on-demand book (20 Euro), but it also offers a ´manual´ for self-publishing. Everything a future bestseller writer needs to know, and, even more importantly, how to make money, can be found on the Bookbaby site. From the low start up…

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Color Passport: because colour is more than just a ink formula

CIELab can define and store any colour. But colour is more, it evokes emotions, colours combine and resonate with other colours and colours are interpreted differently in different cultures. Color Passport endeavours to code all specifics of one colour so that the user, from designer to printer, knows more about colour and the transformation to…

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NYTimes.com: the gains of 20 years news via the web

New York Times started their distribution of content via the web on 22 January 1996. In the first few months the number of visitors of nytimes.com was less than a dozen. Only when the number of computers with internet connection started to grow it did those numbers rise, very quickly. Last year the NYTimes had a…

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Tablets in education and the influence of print

Tablet giants Google and Apple are putting a lot of effort into pushing tablets for education. Google´s success with its Chromebooks has influenced the amount of paper materials already. But there is more to it. Children and students using a tablet for their education will become fluent in this type of communication. They have the…

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Consumer would prefer not to pay for media

Nearly half of consumers (49%) expects not to have to pay for media services in 2025, for traditional media (48%) such as movies, television, music, radio, news and sports from before the internet, as well as new digital media (47%), such as online social media. These are the results of the new research State of…

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Two photos in one print

French researchers have succeeded in printing a photo which changes upon rotation. Researchers from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne discovered this when they were experimenting with metal printing. They make use of so-called halftone printing, a technique where tiny dots of cyan, magenta and yellow appear to form an image depending on the viewing…

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