Webshop publishes own magazine

A webshop is somewhat sterile, at least that´s what the people of online designshop Flinders think. The company, run by Geert-Jan Smits (45) is using part of an investment of millions to start a paper magazine, according to an article in Sprout. The webshop in Zaandam, the Netherlands, was founded only recently in 2010, but…

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App offers extras with printed newspaper

Readers of the French free weekly newspaper Vlan, 2 million copies, can now watch additional digital content from the paper´s app. Vlan´s publisher pressgroup Rossel offers the Capteo app. The Capteo app can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play. By taking a photo of an image in the paper which…

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Digital business  is more than just software

Californian student Aaron Levie started his cloud services business Box 12 years ago. Box now has more than 70,000 customers of which 64% are the 500 biggest companies on the planet. During the Box World Tour Levie talks, together with visionaries from Google and IBM, about the future of digitalisation. Visions that are interesting for…

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Elon Musk enables interface between brain and computer

Communication will never be the same again, when the brain is connected to the computer Tesla CEO Elon Musk has founded a new company, Neuralink. Neuralink is centered on developing devices which can be implanted in the human brain, primarily to relieve medical issues, but in a later stage to improve the brain. According to…

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Baby care brand collects data with new app

Baby care brand Zwitsal introduced the first baby names app. The new app is a kind of Tinder for baby names by which the brand cleverly collects data of the mother and the father. The app has been developed together with digital production agency iOnline. Thanks to a self-learning algorithm the baby name app is…

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Rainer Kirschke: Big Data and growth opportunities

Rainer Kirschke, Business Manager Mobile Publishing at Agfa Graphic wrote a blog post about the reasons why Big Data can become more important for our industry over the next couple of years. One of the most important reasons is the fact that Big Data can be the motor for improved user engagement. Rainer does not…

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Dutch students help Facebook in the battle against fake news

Master students Journalism and New Media from Leiden University will help Facebook prevent fake news Regularly news items appear on Facebook which later turn out to be fake. For example a couple of months ago an item appeared which said that the Pope had spoken in support of American president Donald Trump. This turned out…

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Amazon develops new retail formula

With their chain of shops, Amazon Books, the company returns to its roots and wants to turn the bookmarket upside down again by smart use of data. A shop that offers only a limited number of books sounds rather strange, but it´s not a bad idea. The unique selling point of a local outlet isn´t…

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Mindener Tageblatt Automates Mobile Newspaper Production with Agfa Eversify

German newspaper publisher, Mindener Tageblatt, has streamlined production of the mobile version of its newspaper using Eversify, the mobile content publishing software from Agfa Graphics. The cloud-based solution has automated the entire production and publication process, enabling the publisher to deliver content optimized for smartphones and tablets.   Mobile requires different approach to print and…

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Digital marketing on the rise by 20% in the marketing mix

  What is the vision of Dutch top marketeers on the future of marketing and innovation? In which fields do they intend to concentrate their people and budget the coming three years? Will their role change and how? The first edition of the IAB Digital Marketing Innovation Research, by Deloitte Digital, answers these questions. Results…

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