CHILI publish introduces key novelties to flagship product CHILI publisher

CHILI publish ( introduces key novelties to flagship product CHILI publisher as a pre-launch to SPICY talks 2018, the company’s community gathering, taking place March 7-9, 2018 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The CHILI publisher novelties

Increasing personalization and customization trends are raising the bar for online document editing solutions. As brands discover the ease-of-use of integrating such a solution, CHILI publish upholds its frontrunner position by improving the original online document editor with following features:

  • High definition rendering – document rendering is optimized for retina display.
  • Editing – action editor overhaul where additional business rules enable any admin to build better templates faster.
  • Inline image cropping – images can be scaled and cropped directly in the document.
  • Preview generation – quick previews can be generated client-side, whenever required throughout the creation process.
  • Sizing – working on or with large files is facilitated to smoothen all processing activities.
  • UI – improved UI secures a better user experience in an appealing, customized and user-friendly manner.
  • Customization – each UX applies a custom font set, regardless of language of preference. This complies to any language selection.
  • Backoffice – the complete works
    • Full html conversion of all functionalities
    • Increased flexibility in actions, (pre)views and navigation
    • Visual make-over for a more appealing interface

Ward Delanghe, CTO at CHILI publish, comments: “CHILI publisher has never stopped adjusting to the market needs. As we’re on the cusp of the next big thing in creative and marketing assets, we’re speeding up our time to market and prefer to release today what is needed for tomorrow. The novelties were introduced first during demonstrations at C!Print and have been well received by customers worldwide, with registrations for best practices webinars are rolling in.”

#SPICYtalks18 – the creative market shift revelation

The 2018 edition of the SPICY talks community gathering is labeled as the “Market Shift Edition”. The creative paradigm is evolving rapidly for designers, printers and brand owners alike. In order to assess and respond to this shift, CHILI publish is offering its community and partner ecosystem a SPICY talks platform to discuss trends, solutions and future developments. CHILI publish has arranged for triple tracks on business, tech and deep tech to run in parallel, presented by the CHILI publish team, customers and influencers. Companies joining with multiple team members can truly immerse themselves in all elements of integration and discuss strategy, implementation and business rollout on site with CHILI publish management, developers, customers and market influencers.

“We want to bring everyone together to truly analyze, assess and evaluate the current market shift. We’ll be unveiling how printers, designers and brand owners can tackle this shift with the right self-servicing, lights-out solutions.” Kevin Goeminne, CEO of CHILI publish explains.

To validate the claims, CHILI publish has relied on following, reputed influencers and respected customers to assess the CHILI solutions and present their findings to the audience at #SPICYtalks18:

Sean Smyth, Smithers Pira – “Can CHILI publish revolutionize artwork? Opening new routes to market for high-quality labels and packaging.
Theresa Regli, DAM expert – “The elevation of today’s MarTech applications – driving the multichannel repurposing engine.
Deborah Corn, PrintMediaCentr – “The EvoYOUtion of print business – relations are about to get real personal.
Pat McGrew, Infotrends – “Customizing commercial print? The influencer’s inside insight perspective.
Marcus Timson, Pure Digital Show – “Leading the future of digital print: the market shift for creative designers.”

Jason Frueh, MyCreativeShop – “Making money creatively – long-term success formula for integration.”
Nico Potvin, KAN – “How Axalta drastically reduced the label production cost at KAN design.”
Jonathan Stuart, Paragon – “The many faces of online variable documents – integrating leading composing engines.”
Michelle Bengermino & Amer Mallah, Demandbridge – “Brand management at scale – empowering enterprises with dynamic digital outputs.”

Goeminne concludes: “We want to make cross-pollination happen for our community and ecosystem at SPICY talks and look forward to unveiling the next steps in next-gen creative asset handling. We’re not just aiming at raising standards, we plan on setting some new ones.”


Marco den Engelsman

Journalist, fotograaf en communicatiespecialist. Gelooft in de kracht van een mix van media. Een beeld zegt meer dan duizend woorden, maar is altijd krachtiger in combinatie met mooie woorden. En een mix van media versterkt elke boodschap. Met PRStory komen alle media samen. Een krachtig PR-verhaal met tekst, beeld, fotografie en video dat leidt tot onmiddellijke actie. Bezoek voor voorbeelden.

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