Christian-Pierre Bourg, the man who made finishing equipment affordable, has passed away

MrBourg_742x419_1Christian-Pierre Bourg, died 16 November in Boston, at the age of 89. Originally from Belgium he developed innovative finishing equipment which made the finishing of prints affordable. Over 80,000 clients in nearly 100 countries are grateful to this entrepreneur for his contribution to the graphics industry. He saw what was needed in the rapid growth of digital printing and online finishing whilst delivering efficient and high quality equipment. Mr Bourg will be missed.

Rob van den Braak

Printer’s devil (1964), phototypesetter, offsetprinter, teacher of graphic techniques, salesmanager, productmanager, trade journalist, founder of BlokBoek e-zine (2011). But above all husband, father, friend and lover of life in southern Spain (since 2010).

VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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