Computer sealed into magazine cover

BB151127 MagPi40_Cover_SmallFor the occasion of the 40th edition of the UK MagPi magazine a complete pocket computer came free with the magazine. A small one though, the Raspberry Pi Zero.

It is a very small computer, the Raspberry Pi Zero. Its modest dimensions, 31x65x5,4mm, make the mini mother board no less relevant. On the contrary, the newest offspring of the Raspberry family seems very suitable for the internet of things or robotics. For those of us who are less ambitious it can serve as a great MP3 player or pocket PC. Apart from the modest dimensions the price is also conducive to Raspberry´s success, 4 UKP, less than 6 Euros. The price has been set for the initial target market, young people with the old-fashioned computer hobby club mentality. It looks like start-ups with ambition will also welcome this small computer. ‎


Marco den Engelsman

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