Content automation: perfect for building customer loyalty and a real profit generator

Automating your customer´s content workflow not only encourages customer loyalty, it can be quite a profit generator. Content can be the coffer for any print shop, my first boss, a real book printer, used to say. He loved to walk through his warehouse and the thousands of pages of metal typesetting which guaranteed him a stream of reprints that made him happy.

In this digital age managing and automating content is still quite lucrative. Technology ensures endless possibilities and print shops already own the building blocks. They have powerful servers and page layout programs. The only thing necessary is the knowledge to transform content into print and online. The magic word is metadata. This makes content media independent and can be published to any platform imaginable from social media to print to e-books and online.

Clever solutions are available from manual applications to complete content management solutions from Adobe, Quark, WoodWing and others. Those CSM solutions do version control, have the option to input corrections and give a digital proof of the pages created. This takes care of a lot of worries so that the client can focus on their core business, the making and publishing of content.

Read a compact overview of Quark and of the ins and outs of content automation via this link to our download page.

Rob van den Braak

Printer’s devil (1964), phototypesetter, offsetprinter, teacher of graphic techniques, salesmanager, productmanager, trade journalist, founder of BlokBoek e-zine (2011). But above all husband, father, friend and lover of life in southern Spain (since 2010).

VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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