Creative Communication News Network spreads its wings

Broaden your will be present at drupa under the name Creative Communication News Network (CCNN). Their stand is near North entrance EN06.

Blokboek – CCNN has been presenting news for the print and communication industry in English with increasing success. Blokboek – CCNN´s English website and newsletter have a fast-growing following. “Time for us to spread our wings”, says Marco den Engelsman, co-founder of this online publication.


“We bring news and background stories for and about the print and communication industry in the way it is being read, on laptop, tablet and smartphone. More and more people are reading the longer editorials online, but they need to be good”. The weekly newsletter is considered an independent title. “We consider it a weekly magazine”, says co-founder Rob van den Braak. “We pick and edit the articles for the newsletter with the reader in mind. The goal is to make a newsletter which can be read independently without having to click through to other sites. We have found a formula for our themed newsletters, such as for drupe and FESPA, which is not only informative but also an efficient way for advertisers to promote themselves and generate leads.”


Blokboek – CCNN sees the market broader than just the print industry. Marco: “the print industry is a part of the communication production industry. We see a printer as a producer of communication tools and through our messages we show what is going on in this industry. We inspire our readers to discover new worlds. We offer our readers a discovery of new opportunities.”


Because this Dutch initiative is new and doesn´t yet exist in other countries, Blokboek – CCNN will be looking for new readers and partners at drupe. “Everyone at drupe is a connection” says Marco, smiling. “We want to meet everyone, a reader, a publisher with whom we can cooperate, or a manufacturer whom we can offer promotional opportunities. We want to meet them all!”



Tel: +31618883969

Marco den Engelsman

Journalist, fotograaf en communicatiespecialist. Gelooft in de kracht van een mix van media. Een beeld zegt meer dan duizend woorden, maar is altijd krachtiger in combinatie met mooie woorden. En een mix van media versterkt elke boodschap. Met PRStory komen alle media samen. Een krachtig PR-verhaal met tekst, beeld, fotografie en video dat leidt tot onmiddellijke actie. Bezoek voor voorbeelden.

VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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