Drupa Barometer: printers forecasting good weather

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????Trust in the printing industry seems to be returning. At least, this can be concluded from the 2nd Drupa Global Trends Report. More than a third (34%) of printers saw a good 2014, only 13% admitted to a bad year. 2015 seems to be even more positive. Nearly half (48%) thinks that this year will be stronger economically; only 7% expects a more difficult year than last year. As far as the suppliers are concerned more than half (51%) are expecting a better year, which points to printers expected to be investing.

There are regional and market differences. Europe sees the same development, but differences are smaller than in the rest of the world. Printers who are active in the packaging market and functional printing are more positive than colleagues in commercial print and publishing.
The 2nd Drupa Global Trends Report is based on research conducted in October 2014 amongst 1100 printers and suppliers worldwide (mostly in Europe).


Rob van den Braak

Printer’s devil (1964), phototypesetter, offsetprinter, teacher of graphic techniques, salesmanager, productmanager, trade journalist, founder of BlokBoek e-zine (2011). But above all husband, father, friend and lover of life in southern Spain (since 2010).

VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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