Edale AIIR: automatisering in flexo

Edale drupaFlexospecialist Edale toont op drupa nieuwe oplossingen voor flexodrukkers die hun kwaliteit en productiviteit willen verbeteren. Lees in onderstaand persbericht hoe automatisering daarbij kan helpen.



Edale launches AIIR system, to take flexographic print automation to new heights
New auto inking, print impression and liner and cross camera registration system (AIIR) controlled by AVT

Hampshire, UK – 16 May 2016 – Edale today announce their latest innovation in flexographic print: AIIR – fully automated inking and print impression and camera controlled liner and cross registration.  Edale have teamed up with press control system specialist AVT to integrate their camera based technology into the Edale range of FL3 and FL5 flexographic presses, guaranteeing an optimal level of registration not seen before in single pass printing.  Bespoke software developed in-house ensures that 5 additional motors, individually positioned on each print station adjust the print impression, inking and cross register to ensure the highest print quality.  AIIR is available as standard on all new Edale FL5 presses and can be purchased as an optional extra on the FL3 press.

As brand owners seek higher quality printing at lower costs, printers are constantly seeking ways to increase superior output whilst minimising costs.  By fully automating print and registration processes, the level of operator intervention can be reduced leading to fewer errors and a more consistent, higher quality final product.

Linear and Cross Registration

Registration marks are printed on each station and fed through to the AVT Helios S camera positioned at the end of the press. The camera analyses the relative positions of the marks and sends necessary corrections to the respective print stations. Sophisticated tracking software developed by Edale ensures that no additional corrections are made until the initial corrections have passed the camera, overcoming the common problem of an over enthusiastic operator.

To minimise waste, the AVT Helios S camera registration implementation is designed to complement Edale’s pre-register and print-to-mark register systems, ensuring that a saleable product can be achieved in no more than two web lengths of the machine. Increased linear and cross-registration accuracy can be maintained throughout the print run, without the intervention of operators manually adjusting registration settings which can lead to increased wastage and out of register prints.

Motorised Automated Print Pressure Control

The technology significantly reduces the number of operator inputs and time needed to set up a job by automatically positioning the pressure settings based on saved job data or material calliper. Print consistency is enhanced through operator defined profiles that adjust pressure relative to press speed.

The addition of the new AVT Helios S system, fully automatic image based pressure control technology, takes automation and quality to a new level by analysing all the print stations during make ready and adjusting the plate and anilox rollers automatically. This brings the press to perfect print pressure which further reduces the reliance on operator input by automating the initial setting of inking and print pressure at the start of each new job.


Rob van den Braak

Printer’s devil (1964), phototypesetter, offsetprinter, teacher of graphic techniques, salesmanager, productmanager, trade journalist, founder of BlokBoek e-zine (2011). But above all husband, father, friend and lover of life in southern Spain (since 2010).

VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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