EFI: everything can be printed

EFI standEFI has been able to grow by 12% yearly in the past couple of years. They focus on big growth markets. Packaging,  sign and labelling are the most important markets which they are entering. According to CEO Guy Gecht this is the reason why EFI will not work on sheet printing. The future is fast, unmanned, personalised and diversified.

Gecht does not only recognize the internet of things, but also the image of things; everything can be printed. The big advantage of inkjet is that the head doesn´t touch the material so that anything can be printed. Textile printing is one of the new growth market which will be EFI focus: “print now is everywhere”.
Packaging and label printing are the biggest growth markets, according to Gecht. This market grows faster than the iPhone market (percentage wise). EFI recently acquired US ink manufacturer Rialco. The reason being that the company sees growth in ink, with a future for water-based inks. EFI will show a new kind of ink during drupa.
EFI will also bring a new platform for managing all sorts of printers.

Marco den Engelsman

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VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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