Elon Musk enables interface between brain and computer

Communication will never be the same again, when the brain is connected to the computer
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has founded a new company, Neuralink. Neuralink is centered on developing devices which can be implanted in the human brain, primarily to relieve medical issues, but in a later stage to improve the brain.
According to the Wall Street Journal Neuralink was established last summer in California as a medical research company. According to the paper it will focus on ameliorating symptoms of epilepsy and depression, by using a so-called neural lace connected to the brain. Musk is said to have a leading role in the company.

When the company has proven that the products are safe and effective it could start looking into ¨improving¨ the human brain, according to the newspaper. Musk has previously talked about his wish to improve brain function when he said that  “Your output level is so low, particularly on a phone, your two thumbs sort of tapping away. This is ridiculously slow. Our input is much better because we have a high-bandwidth visual interface to the brain, our eyes take in a lot of data.”

Various people are employed by Neuralink, amongst which specialist in the field of flexible electrodes and implants and how the brain controls movement. Musk recently said in an interview that a real ´partial-brain interface´ will take another five years to develop. He also said that the ´neural lace´ will ultimately make it possible to wirelessly transfer information from the brain to devices.

Marco den Engelsman

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