EPUB Validator, a free online tool to check EPUB files
If you want to be certain that a digital publication is compatible with the EPUB format, EPUB Validator is a free online tool. Files up to 10MB can be checked against EPUB 2 and 3 norms. EPUB Validator is for personal use. If you want to check more or larger files you would need to get EPUBCheck or a different paid tool. This site uses EpubCheck to provide validation information for EPUB 2 and 3 documents. If you are creating commercial EPUBs in volume, you must install EpubCheck instead of using this site.
VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
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