Errol Morris: typography influences the trustworthiness of content

Errol Morris TypografieIt´s here in black and white and other such famous sayings: we believe what is printed. Errol Morris, filmmaker of The Thin Blue Line and The Fog of War, has ´proven´ something else. Typography influences the trustworthiness of content. Especially typeface decides if we trust the contents of an article. Morris asked people to indicate if they thought that a certain article was true and found that people trust articles printed in Baskerville most. This is a phenomenon that many teachers already knew and taught in the good old days of cast metal typesetting: use serif fonts such as Baskerville, Times and Garamond when printing ´real´ information and a sans serif font for other information. Read about Morris´s experiment via this link. 

Rob van den Braak

Printer’s devil (1964), phototypesetter, offsetprinter, teacher of graphic techniques, salesmanager, productmanager, trade journalist, founder of BlokBoek e-zine (2011). But above all husband, father, friend and lover of life in southern Spain (since 2010).

VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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