Facebook to become news platform
In the past week Facebook had a record billion visitors in one day. In 2012 the social media phenomenon would have this amount of visitors in a month.
Facebook is developing into an important news and information platform and is busy developing new products which will change the face of Facebook. Instant articles is a good example. At the moment they are testing this with, amongst others, National Geographic which is experimenting with longer articles consisting of text and video which are published on Facebook´s News timeline.
These are very important developments for the communication industry because news and information is disseminated via a medium which is usually read on a smartphone. Publishing for the smartphone at the centre of the consumer´s universe.
This is also what we want with our creative communication network Blokboek.com. We will keep a close eye on these developments and participate in them.
Starting 1 September we will publish our news and background stories on the special Facebook News Channel: Broaden your Horizon.
Would you like to read the inspirational communication and print news on the Facebook timeline? Like our new Facebook and broaden your horizon.
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