Founders want to buy back Layar

The co-founders of Layar, world´s first augmented reality companies, have plans to buy back their brainchild from current owner, suffering Blippar.
Raimo van der Klein and Maarten Lens-Fitzgerald confirmed to Emerce the story which ran in Business Insider that they are in talks to buy back Layar.
Investors put in about 100M$ into Blippar over the past few years. With the acquisition of Dutch Layar Blippar intended to conquer the media and FMCG world from London. Augmented Reality turned out to be smaller than hoped by CEO Ambarish Mitra, at least the way they supply it. Snapchat and Instagram have tens of millions of users using augmented reality.
“Wherever I am I see people´s faces light up when we talk about Layar. Blippar is not doing so well, their money will run out by the end of the year, but augmented reality is doing well” says Van der Klein. “Our vision then was strong and still holds up.” The entrepreneur sees that most AR activities are now done by the tech giants. “A democratic platform is lacking.”

Marco den Engelsman

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