IPEX 2017 keert terug naar Birmingham

Het lijkt nog ver weg maar na 2016, het Drupa jaar, krijgen we in 2017 toch weer IPEX. De Britse en internationale vakbeurs keert eind 2017 weer terug naar zijn roots in Birmingham. Meer informatie lees je in onderstaand persbericht.

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14 March 2016

Informa announces IPEX 2017 dates

IPEX returns to NEC from 31stOctober – 3rd November 2017 and offers exhibitors all-inclusive package

Informa is pleased to announce that IPEX 2017 will take place at the NEC, Birmingham, from 31stOctober – 3rd November 2017. The move back to the NEC sees IPEX return to its roots at a central, easy-to-reach venue popular with many European and international visitors and exhibitors.

Through investment and industry consultation Informa’s aim is to make IPEX a premier ‘print in action’ showcase for the latest in professional production technology and applications in 2017, attracting visitors from across Europe and further afield.

Inclusive package for exhibitors
Informa has developed a new clear ‘all-inclusive’ package for exhibitors: maximum stand size is limited to 500 sqm, and the price of exhibiting includes equipment lifting (on and off), machinery mains connection and power consumption.

“Our aim is to deliver an event for exhibitors and visitors alike that showcases the best in print which means that we want the full spectrum of print equipment in action on the show floor,” says Rob Fisher, IPEX Event Director. “To facilitate this, we’ll support exhibitors by picking up some of the extra – and sometimes hidden – costs of exhibiting. To our knowledge, it’s an unprecedented move to pay for equipment and machinery lifting, and machinery mains power and consumption. Exhibitors will experience a better return on their investment if costs are kept down.”

This new approach has attracted positive comment from the industry. “The IPEX team have listened to companies who have exhibited at IPEX in the past and, as a result, put together a choice of clear, inclusive and affordable packages for exhibitors in 2017,” says Bettine Pellant, CEO of Picon. “With a fresh image and approach, IPEX is shaping up to be an exciting show.”

Mark Bristow, Managing Director, Friedheim International, says: “IPEX is an important exhibition, so it’s very encouraging to see a focused but more flexible approach that takes into consideration the needs of manufacturers and suppliers to the printing, converting and papermaking sectors. This really helps the industry get a better, more relevant event.”

The new IPEX team comprises Rob Fisher, Event Director; Caroline Watson, Marketing Director, and Steve Good, Sales Manager

Photo: Steve Good, Sales Manager, Rob Fisher, Event Director, and Caroline Watson, Marketing Director

About IPEX
IPEX is an international exhibition that brings together the whole print supply chain from across the UK, Europe and the rest of the world. It encompasses every element of the print process, and is a showcase of innovation, technology in action and business solutions.

IPEX has a long history, dating back to 1880 when it was organised and sponsored by the British Federation of Printing Machinery and Supplies in conjunction with Industrial and Trade Fairs. Since that time, IPEX has weathered various economic crises and has adapted its focus according to market demand.

IPEX 2017 takes place 31st October – 3rd November, at the NEC, Birmingham, UK. More information www.ipex.org

Rob van den Braak

Printer’s devil (1964), phototypesetter, offsetprinter, teacher of graphic techniques, salesmanager, productmanager, trade journalist, founder of BlokBoek e-zine (2011). But above all husband, father, friend and lover of life in southern Spain (since 2010).

VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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