Largest paper boat in the world

Grootste papierbootFor the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the city of Karlsruhe in Germany, sports people from the city have folded world´s largest paper boat.
It is 13,93 meters long and is made of paper only. It weighs 117 kilo. 350 Square meters of paper were used and the building and folding took a total of three hours.
The boat is currently located on a sports field and it is very likely that it will not be able to actually float. During the assembly it started to rain and the 40 folding sailors, members of the local canoe club, and their captain were anxious about the project. However, later in the afternoon the rain and wind stopped and after a bit of care the boat could be finished.
The paper which had cost about 4,000 euro was sponsored.


Beate den Engelsman

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