Muller Martini met Finishing 4.0 op DRUPA

Finishing 4.0 is volgens Muller Martini de volgende stap in afwerking, mogelijk gemaakt door zijn Connex workflow oplossing. Connex koppelt alle afwerkingsapparatuur aan elkaar door slim gebruik te maken van JDF/JMF data. Zoals Muller Martini op zijn DRUPA stand zal laten zien hebben we er een nieuwe kreet bij “PDF in Book Out”. Meer informatie over Finishing 4.0 vind je in onderstaand persbericht.

Muller Martini Corporates – Finishing 4.0: Muller Martini Interconnects All Process Steps in Print Finishing

Automated systems are state of the art at Muller Martini. Productivity is further increased by interconnecting the various highly automated machines with all systems involved in the production process. Thanks to Muller Martini’s workflow solution, which is consistently based on JDF/JMF, the machines – from individual aggregates through to complex production lines – can already be seamlessly integrated today with existing customer networks via standard interfaces. The systems can be interconnected with the Management Information System (MIS) available at the graphic arts company, enabling the formation of impressive production chains that are geared to efficiency in order to tap into new markets.

At Muller Martini, the backbone of digital and conventional print production is the Connex data and workflow system. In the mailroom, Connex.Mailroom connects, for instance, all sub-processes from the distribution software through to the ramp, and assists the cost-effective use of the equipment, whether it be the zoned processing of print products, the coordination of the feeder allocations or the perfect bundle formation. Connex.Mailroom also provides reliable production figures in real time for management by numbers.

Muller Martine drupa Finishing 4.0

With Finishing 4.0, Muller Martini will showcase the growth opportunities that connectivity offers the graphic arts industry at Booth A49, Hall 2 at drupa 2016.

Connectivity by means of Connex is likewise a fixed element of the SigmaLine configurations – the only fully automated complete solution for digital print production worldwide. Connex includes an automatic imposition process, which is interconnected with digital printing and print finishing. The system controls and monitors all processes required for production, thereby ensuring a seamless, fully networked workflow from the PDF to the finished book (PDF in – book out).

Finishing 4.0 is already reality at Muller Martini today. “We’ve been leading the way and driving the development of connectivity based on the JDF and JMF standards for many years,” says Roland Kost, Head of R&Dat Muller Martini Print Finishing Systems. “Muller Martini systems are also open to other data formats, which is important in book production, for instance.” Muller Martini will showcase all the benefits of seamless connectivity in May 2016 with impressive live demos at Booth A49 in Hall 2 at drupa.

Rob van den Braak

Printer’s devil (1964), phototypesetter, offsetprinter, teacher of graphic techniques, salesmanager, productmanager, trade journalist, founder of BlokBoek e-zine (2011). But above all husband, father, friend and lover of life in southern Spain (since 2010).

VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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