New Van Dale dictionary and the preference of paper

boekThe Dikke van Dale (Big Van Dale – Dutch colloqualism for the Van Dale Dutch dictionary) presents its 15th edition. The three volumes are bigger than ever, with 18,000 new entries, new expressions such as “thinking outside the box” and illustrations to aid the explanation of difficult terms, such as in construction.

But why on paper now that everything can be found online? A question many people will ask. Apart from the beautiful design and the fact that many people prefer to keep their old dictionaries, many people simply prefer paper. Recent research by Two Sides confirms this. According to them 83% of respondents prefer to read information on paper.

The Dikke van Dale is also available online and the paper version also gives you a year´s access to the online version. Great initiative on the portal is the Van Dale Wiki which allows you to add your own words and explanations, images and videos. Van Dale Online is optimized for smartphone and tablet.

The new Van Dale is available from October 6 2015.


Jolanda van Drie

Bedrijfsjournalist, freelance redacteur voor Blokboek en Printmedianieuws en communicatie- en marketingmanager bij IT bedrijf Prindustry (Haarlem).

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