Packaging Award goes to the El Drago polygonal drinks box

SAP_pr14009_PrintStars_ElDragoStrong and unique look and feel – produced inline: This is what caught the eye of judges when examining the luxurious El Drago drinks packaging, winning Sappi Europe and PrintCity the prestigious PrintStar 2014 Bronze award in the packaging category. This ambitious project was co-produced by Sappi and 15 member companies of the PrintCity Alliance .


The goal of this innovative project was to demonstrate the possibilities of “Value Added Packaging” in as realistic a way as possible: The El Drago sample packaging was used to provide branded product manufacturers, designers, printers and print finishers with inspiration about how today’s technologies, substrates and processing solutions can be used in an optimised and efficient manner throughout the entire packaging value chain. The polygonal premium packaging design used for the El Drago submission validates that it is not out of the realm of possibility to produce an exclusive design with exceptional shelf appeal in an industrial inline production environment.

Marco den Engelsman

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