EFI: everything can be printed
EFI has been able to grow by 12% yearly in the past couple of years. They focus on big growth markets. Packaging, sign and labelling are the most important markets...
Pitney Bowes: It is the result that counts
The combination of digital and paper will be the future of direct mail. It is the right moment, the right way to the right reader which will result in a...
Xerox is building a bridge
The world is changing and the way we communicate has become dramatically different says Xerox. We live in a mobile world. That is reality. This has a significant influence on...
Konica Minolta lets the music play
Konica Minolta will show technology which will add value for the customer. Important items are a simple path to digital and more unmanned printers. According to Konica there is a...
Canon promotes print at drupa
Canon uses its imaging experience to claim world leadership in production print. Canon currently has a markt share of 60% in industrial inkjet printing. With the acquisition of OCE this...
De FESPA tram rijdt door Amsterdam
De Fespa Nederland tram? Jazeker! Volgende week rijdt tijdens de FESPA Digital beurs in Amsterdam tussen het Centraal station en de Rai een tram die geheel beplakt is in FESPA stijl. Hiermee maakt zij...
Blokboek heeft eigen stand (EN06) op Drupa
Creatieve Communication News Network – Blokboek.com heeft een eigen stand op Drupa, stand EN06. Het is een mooie plaats geworden bij de Ingang Noord naast het Drupa Perscentrum waar ondermeer...
Wesley A. Clark: The man who developed the DEC mini computer, ARPA net and the graphical user interface has died
At 88 Wesley A. Clark has died. The computer engineer who developed the DEC mini computer which was once the beating heart of the graphic industry servers. The DEC mini...
Wesley A. Clark: De man die de DEC minicomputer, ARPA-net en graphical user interface ontwierp is overleden
88 is hij geworden, Wesley A. Clark. Een computer engineer die aan de wieg stond van de DEC minicomputer, ooit het hart van in de grafische industrie veel gebruikte servers....
DP Lenticular met groot formaat lenticular lenzen primeur op Drupa
Lenticular specialist DP Lenticular zal op drupa een groot formaat lens introduceren. De 3D 28 LPI UV-MF is, met zijn 2,15 mm lens en kijkhoek van 37 graden, de perfecte...
DP Lenticular to present world premiere large format lenticular lens at Drupa 2016
DIP-ping into Lenticular Print - Hall 7, stand 70F09 at drupa innovation park (DIP) Dun Laoghaire, Ireland, 25 February 2016 - DP Lenticular, the only European company dedicated solely to the promotion...
PostNL groeit, vooral door pakketten
PostNL komt met een positief statement over 2015: er zijn solide resultaten geboekt. De groei zit vooral in pakketten, want dat het volume geadresseerde mail afneemt zal niemand verbazen. Om...
Fuijifilm: Value from Innovation
Fuijifilm´s drupa slogan will be "Value from Innovation" The company will introduce the new series Jetpress inkjet sheet printer, also available with UV curing. Separately Fuijifilm will show a wide...
Ricoh shows new worlds at Drupa
"Digital print is more alive than ever before", Dr Peter Williams, Executive Vice President and Member of the Board of Ricoh says. "We can be optimistic. More substrates are used...
HP introduces PrintOS
Relevance and reinvention are what is most important to HP at the moment. The solutions they offer are important propositions for brand owners, small and big. The HP stand takes...
VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
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