GfK: Nederlandse boekenmarkt blijft groeien
GfK rapporteert een lichte opleving van de boekverkoop in het tweede kwartaal van 2015. Er gingen maar liefst 7,9 miljoen papieren A-boeken over de toonbank, een stijging van 1,1 %....
´What if…´ is the Dutch Design Week (DDW) 2015´s theme
The organisation honours and emphasises the imagination of designers. Their best answers are visible during the 14th edition in the form of concepts and products, experiments and cross-overs. Print innovation...
Adobe Revenue Q3 2014 1B$ thanks to Creative Cloud
Most creative communication professionals can only dream about a turnover of 1 billion US$, and if, like Adobe, a quarter of this comes from subscriptions, you are having a great...
Omzet Adobe Q3 2014 van 1 miljard dankzij Creative Cloud
Je kunt er als creatieve communicatiemaker alleen maar van dromen, een omzet van 1 miljard en als dat net als bij Adobe ook nog voor bijna een kwart komt uit...
Fespa Census 2015: Optimism and growth in large format printing
Fespa has published an infographic on the results of the Census 2015 which was held amongst the Fespa members. What stands out is the optimism in our industry which will...
From printer to marketing professional: no simple way
Printers have to do more marketing and offer full service to their customers. Good advice which has helped quite a few printers already. Those printers will agree that there is...
Pitney Bowes AcceleJet: a production inkjet printer with inline finishing for the white paper market
At the GraphExpo Chicago, Pitney Bowes, manufacturer and supplier to the mail market, will introduce a complete system for white papers and personalised publications. The AcceleJet is a compact roll...
Blendle tests pay button
Digital kiosk Blendle is testing a pay button which newspaper and magazine publishers can integrate into their websites. This pay button will allow Blendle users to pay for articles without...
Mass personalisation: 200,000 unique cans
Bud Light will get extra special attention at the Mad Decent Block Party 2015 music festival. 200,000 beer cans will be printed with a unique, colourful design targeting the hip...
Work Live: Inspiration for the digital future in a real printed book
Ricoh is a unique company. Not only for its product portfolio which ranges from clickable paper to production inkjet systems, but also because of the way the company uses soft-selling...
Leestip: elektriciteit opwekken met papier
Recent kwam Blokboek met het bericht dat er papier is ontwikkeld dat water kan zuiveren. Nu blijkt er ook een nanopapiersoort gemaakt te zijn waarmee stroom opgewekt kan worden. Het...
Laurel Brunner: the ISO Technical Report 17098 and the long road to 100% recyclability of printed paper
Our industry is doing well, but there is still a long way to go to 100% recycling of all printed paper we produce. In her Verdigris blog Lauren Brunner talks...
VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
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