Recorddaling gedrukte landelijke kranten
Lezen we in 2020 nog elke dag een papieren krant? – dat vraagt krantenkenner Piet Bakker (te volgen op Twitter via @PietBakker) zich af in zijn artikel op journalismlab. Uit...
Roland DG introduces Rolandprintstudio for MAC OS X
Roland DG introduces Rolandprintstudio into the EU region. Rolandprintstudio is a powerful new RIP and print management software for Mac OS X. It is full of new features and offers...
Testing out the taxi as billboard
The Heineken Experience, previously a Heineken brewery which was transformed into an interactive journey through the Heineken world, in cooperation with taxi service Cabture and Amsterdam Taxi Service (TCA), has...
This Point Forward: How to prepare for the future of print
Richard Romano and Dr Joe Webb co-wrote a book which stresses what we at also want to achieve: opening the printing industry´s eyes to the changes in the landscape of communication....
Screen Srl installs Italy’s first Screen Truepress Jet L350UV digital label press
Left to right: -Domenico Beraldi (Innovation); Angelo Meazza; Stefano-Rossetti; Marco-Mosca (Screen) Screen Srl, based in Mazzo di Rho near Milan, is the first company in Italy to invest in a...
Strong decline in turnover for German press manufacturers
Yearly turnover of German press and paper manufacturers saw a decline of 12% in 2014 compared to 2013, according to Deutscher Drucker. Dr.-Ing. Markus Heering responsible for the Printing and...
Paper can be produced from various materials such as wood, rags, natural fibres, but also stone. Stonepaper is made from minerals and its characteristics are comparable to coated paper and...
Workshop ‘Verbeter jouw business’
Op woensdag 10 juni organiseert CMBO de workshop ‘Verbeter jouw business’, waarin leden en relaties worden uitgenodigd een dag te investeren in het denken over en werken aan hun businessmodel....
Errol Morris: typography influences the trustworthiness of content
It´s here in black and white and other such famous sayings: we believe what is printed. Errol Morris, filmmaker of The Thin Blue Line and The Fog of War, has...
Largest paper boat in the world
For the occasion of the 300th anniversary of the city of Karlsruhe in Germany, sports people from the city have folded world´s largest paper boat. It is 13,93 meters long...
Errol Morris: Bewijs dat typografie de waarde van content beïnvloedt
"Hier staat het zwart op wit" en andere gevleugelde uitspraken geven het al aan, we geloven wat er gedrukt staat. Errol Morris, de filmmaker van The Thin Blue Line en...
VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
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