Physical vs digital direct mail

???????????????????????????????????????Because of information overload the attention span of the average consumer is only 8 seconds. This is the conclusion of research by Phase5 for Canada Post. Some very interesting facts about physical and digital mail came from the research.

– More than half of consumers (53%) opens, reads and remembers physical mail earlier and better than digital mail
– 85% opens the mail if it looks interesting; 81% reads it the same day that it arrives
– Consumers have more positive feelings (surprise, happiness) upon seeing physical mail; digital ads are distracting and considered negative
– More than half (62%) sees physical flyers and catalogues as the most effective advertising media
– Half (51%) of companies prefers cross media communication

Also sales seem to benefit from physical mail:
– Half of respondents says they have bought something after receiving a mailing
– 43% bought a product on-line after receiving direct mail
Canada Post – naturally benefiting from positive results for physical mailing – has produced a white paper on this research which is available on-line.

Arthur Lubbers

Arthur Lubbers, freelance journalist/tekstschrijver, schrijft zowel commerciële teksten als journalistieke artikelen, voor print en online. De liefde voor grafimedia en communicatie is sinds zijn tijd als vakredacteur bij Uitgeverij Compres nooit meer verdwenen, zo blijkt uit zijn blogs, tweets en artikelen. Ook te vinden op

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