Power of PROKOM – first global conference for Konica Minolta printing users

PROKOM, the independent community of Konica Minolta production printing users, has announced its first global conference that will give members from all over the globe a ‘hands-on’ opportunity to network, learn and grow their business in a multi-channel world.

The Power of PROKOM conference in Vienna, Austria, from May 10-12, 2017, is being sponsored by Konica Minolta and will be “packed with industry-leading keynote speakers”.

PROKOM, Konica Minolta Production user association, went global following a US launch last September. “The PROKOM community is a gamechanger for anybody who is a Konica Minolta production user,” said Andy Barber, Managing Director – imail, UK Mail PLC, who is chairman of PROKOM.
“This first event will be packed with industry-leading keynote speakers, first class education mixed with a social programme that will allow all of us to get to know each other in Vienna. I am confident of our industry’s future and, through the Power of PROKOM, we can support each other to share ideas through our community’s core values which are to connect, learn and grow members businesses.”

Toshitaka Uemura, General Manager, Konica Minolta Inc, said: “Our commitment has always been to give shape to our customers’ ideas. We want to help them to transform their approaches and to capitalise on the many new market opportunities in a connected, online world, where print is very much a strong and valued part of the marketing mix.
“To give shape to their ideas, we need to allow our customers a forum where they can express their views, share experiences, learn and profit knowing they have a strong organisation that is committed to their needs. We believe in PROKOM and are pleased to be the headline sponsor of this first conference. It’s a conference package designed for members by our members and it has been a fantastic experience to listen and speak with board members about how they want to develop PROKOM.
He added: “This community allows the members to learn new skills, share experiences and create new opportunities either through face to events that PROKOM are planning to deliver or from the web portal www.prokom.org.”

Topics for the conference programme include “The Future Of Digital IS Print”, “Making Print And Marketing Human”, “Print And Marketing – Two Sides Of The Same Coin”, Learning A New Skill That Could Kill You”, “So You Want To Be A Print And Marketing Services Provider” and “How To Achieve Predictable Profits”.
In addition to speakers that will also include Konica Minolta customers, there will be many sessions including panel debates. Delegates will stay at the Imperial Riding School Renaissance Vienna Hotel.

More details from www.PROKOM.org

Arthur Lubbers

Arthur Lubbers, freelance journalist/tekstschrijver, schrijft zowel commerciële teksten als journalistieke artikelen, voor print en online. De liefde voor grafimedia en communicatie is sinds zijn tijd als vakredacteur bij Uitgeverij Compres nooit meer verdwenen, zo blijkt uit zijn blogs, tweets en artikelen. Ook te vinden op www.arthurlubbers.nl.

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