Revival of the email newsletter
Email newsletters – about as old as the internet self – are making a come-back in journalism. They turn out to be one of the few ways to connect with the public directly. This according to Menno Bos in his column for svdj – read his article here.
He based his opinion on a recent report (pdf) of the London School of Economics (LSE) about email newsletters.
According to the author of the LSE report, Swedish journalist Charlotte Fagerlund, the digital ecosystem continues to develop, but it pays to go back to basics and embrace an old idea in those new times. The email newsletter is not very glamorous, but it is an effective way to speak directly to the reader.
The authors see untapped potential for media to use newsletters. Many newsletter writers already have a large digital following. To create more loyalty and increase reading a newsletter is a logical step.
The article has the following four tips:
Do not depend solely on social media to reach out to your public. Facebook fans only see part of your work and contact is very brief. Newsletters offer a direct relationship.
Don´t list a number of links in your newsletter. Do make it a cohesive story with a clear storyline.
Try to personalise newsletters as much as possible. Research all possibilities to offer your readers a personalised version based on their click and visit habits.
Get the right knowledge and passion for the subject. Someone who acknowledges the importance of newsletters, takes care and puts in the time. has a lot of experience with newsletters and can tell you exactly what works and what doesn’t. We are here to help:
VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
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