Social Media Publishing triggers Multi Channel Publishing eruption
The Multi Channel Publishing eruption is making its first waves felt with social media publishing. From Facebook Instant Pages which uses all your “friends” to publish content to Flipboard which, the other way around, looks for “friends” to fit that content, social media brings valuable content to billions of internet users worldwide.
3,424,971,237 potential readers
This ginormous reach and the time spent by readers on the net and on social media is the driving force behind the rise of this type of publishing. Social Media Publishing sounds simple enough, with just one click all your content is on Facebook or Flipboard or any other social media publishing solution. But, curating content to the various target groups with the right title and image and a call to action is something quite different. This is where our industry can make a difference. We have access to that content, but we also have the knowledge and experience in layout and typography to repackage content to become a successful social media publication.
A myriad of solutions
Companies that do not want to lose their content and clients to social media publishing experts have a wide choice of technology. Solutions include stand-alone apps such as Flipboard and ScoopIt or additions to prepress and workflow solutions which are already in use. For example Adobe InDesign users can use WoodWing add-ons to publish to Facebook Instant Page and QuarkXpress users can use Quark Publishing Platform to publish to Twitter and other social media. The costs and learning curves are worth investigation.
Proof is in the eating of the pudding at has always been digital only. We started with ScoopIt, a curating solution, and switched to WordPress in 2013. We are reaching more than 20,000 Dutch and English speaking readers in 115 countries. also reaches a fast growing number of social media users. Every article is posted to thousands of Twitter followers, LinkedIn connections and Facebook friends. Via simple buttons our readers can share articles via social media. Something that gives us 100s of extra readers on a weekly basis. Sharing images via Pinterest is also increasingly popular, with an average of 100 Pinterest users doing this every week.
We expect to welcome the 40,000th ScoopIt reader this month. Taking into account that the rescoops by our ScoopIt readers we are comfortable in thinking we reach 100,000 readers.
Filpboard on click social media publishing
A new app we are currently testing is Flipboard. All our English language articles are published on this platform in a Blokboek branded magazine. The Flipboard app for iOS, Android and the web version for desktop and laptop allows our readers to swiftly go through the articles. We now have a 57 readers who have flipped our 58 articles nearly 300 times.
So yes, our social media publishing pudding is being eaten. This has taken a lot of work. Content had to be written with these publishing possibilities in mind. The length of the article, the intro and title are all tailored. Images have to have the right format and resolutions. Search engines have to find the content. No mean feat, but definitely doable. If you need help, the team at Blokboek and PRStory are here to help.
Contact or for a free advice.
VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
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