Sonja Angerer seminar op FESPA Interior

Print expert Sonja Angerer, van Rrrabbitproductions en contributing editor van zal tijdens FESPA een special panel session voorzitten over de snel groeiende markt van interior printing. De sessie is op 11 mei om 15.00 uur. Meer informatie en inschrijven lees je in onderstaand persbericht.

Get an insight into interior décor at FESPA 2017

Printeriors will feature a range of specialist speakers from across the interior design sector including London-based design company Meystyle.

Written by   2nd May 2017. 

Bright, creative and imaginative print can help bring the inside of a building to life, but in order to do so, quality has to be at its best.

Whether it is curtains, cushions covers, wallpaper or floor graphics, the interior print market is certainly a diverse one. And while this might be good news for companies on the look out for new types of work, it also means that those same print service providers (PSPs) face challenges when it comes to selecting the type of materials and consumables they use during production.

Part one of this double-header feature focused on the technology that will be shown at FESPA 2017.

However, as industry members will know, printing is much more than just ink on paper (or other materials as it may be in the case of interior work) and FESPA 2017 will serve as a hub of information for visitors on the hunt for ways to improve the quality output and their overall business.

Attendees at FESPA 2017 next month will have access to an informative series of seminars that will see specialists from across the industry addressing a host of issues. For visitors involved in interior printing, a panel session at 15:00 on May 11 may well be of interest.

Headed up by Sonja Angerer, editor of Rrrabbitproductions, the panel will focus on the printed interiors market and cover key discussion points such as how the inter decoration sector may develop over the next few years, the importance of design, as well as the influence technology and certifications will have on this area of the industry.

In addition, for those focused on interior print within the retail market, then Vicky Barrett, design and merchandising manager at Clarins Fragrance Group, will be offering guidance during her session at 14:00 on May 11.

Entitled ‘There’s no excuse for inaccurate colour in retail applications’, the seminar will focus on how PSPs can assure quality output when producing interior retail work.

However, what looks set to draw the most interest from visitors with interior print in mind is the aptly named Printeriors. The event will be co-located with the main FESPA 2017 show, as well as the European Sign Expo, and purely focus on the opportunities in the interior print market and how PSPs can go about making a success of themselves in this creative sector.

Visitors to this area of the show can not only expect to find out about some of the latest technology in the interior print market, but also speak with experts from a number of companies involved in this area.

In addition, attendees that drop in on Printeriors will have the opportunity to view some of the applications in this market, as well as find out more about what type of work is proving popular at present and the types of consumables and materials required to produce such applications.

For those interested in attending Printeriors, there is still time to register for this special event. You can visit and put in special code PRNH710 to claim free entry to Printeriors.

Rob van den Braak

Printer’s devil (1964), phototypesetter, offsetprinter, teacher of graphic techniques, salesmanager, productmanager, trade journalist, founder of BlokBoek e-zine (2011). But above all husband, father, friend and lover of life in southern Spain (since 2010).

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