Steady change from paper to digital newspapers in the Netherlands
The change from paper to digital does not seem to slow down in the world of newspapers. Paper subscriptions declined steadily whilst digital subscriptions were on the rise. Third quarter results for 2014 of the Research institute HOI confirm this.
Out of the big papers the Telegraaf succeeded in selling more paper copies in the third quarter, 461,166 versus 452,390 in Q2. Overall 2014 sales declined by 27,736, as with all newspapers.
The AD´s paper copy sales decreased by 22,000 to a total of 343,791, the Volkskrant only sold 10,000 less paper copies with a total of 216,254 and the NRC Handelsblad lost 17,000 with a total of 153,654 paper copies sold.
The steep digital growth of the Volkskrant and Telegraaf are noteworth. With an increase of 51,000 digital subscriptions the Telegraaf have sold 105,136. The Volkskrant´s digital sales increased by 12,000 to a total of 57,365.
VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
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