Stick-on soles

Nakefit are ‘Hypoallergenic adhesive pads’ that you stick onto the soles of your feet to defy the heat and to make it look as though you’re not wearing shoes at all.
These stick-on soles are perfect for beach-goers who hate sandals.
According to the makers, the pads are anti-cutting, waterproof and anti-slip, meaning they’re perfect for all-day wear.
The pads come in three colours: black, pink and blue, so that you can add a little personality to your sole pad as you lay back on the beach with your feet on show.
Oh, and get this, the product is entirely vegan – so they really are perfect for everyone.
These Stick-On soles are for people who hate wearing shoes.
The product comes as part of a KickStarter by Italy-based designers, and the campaign has already exceeded its €20,000 fundraising goal – as €195,000 has been pledged into the campaign already.

Marco den Engelsman

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