T-Book: World Press Photo book with image and sound

geluidsboekThe book about the World Press Photo Award 2015 does not only contain beautiful photos, but also tells the story. As soon as you turn a page and see a new photo, the voice of the photographer can be heard through the built-in speaker, as well as accompanying sounds, music or the story of the people who were present at the scene which the photo depicts. The combination of image and sound improves the emotional experience. Ultra thin speakers are printed between two layers of paper. The back of the book, inside the cover, holds the SD card with the sound files. During the production process of the book the speakers are connected to the SD card with a sensor which is also printed into the paper to indicate which page is being turned so that the correct sounds are heard. Watch the video to see how this works. This T-book has been developed by Professor Arved Hübler from the Chemnitz University of Technology, together with some of his students. His invention was already shown during Drupa 2012, but at that time there didn´t seem to be a market for this technology. Source: drupa.com.


Arthur Lubbers

Arthur Lubbers, freelance journalist/tekstschrijver, schrijft zowel commerciële teksten als journalistieke artikelen, voor print en online. De liefde voor grafimedia en communicatie is sinds zijn tijd als vakredacteur bij Uitgeverij Compres nooit meer verdwenen, zo blijkt uit zijn blogs, tweets en artikelen. Ook te vinden op www.arthurlubbers.nl.

VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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