Berichten getagd ‘enviroment’
Laurel Brunner: Slowly but surely there will be an ISO climate standard for our industry
For people on the outside it seems an excruciatingly slow process before an ISO standard for the measurement of CO2 emissions for our industry is established. In her Verdigris blog Laurel Brunner explains why it takes so long, and, at least as important, the advantages of such standard for our industry, once it is ready.…
Lees meerLaurel Brunner: EMAS or ISO 14001, no easy choice for printers
In her Verdrigris blog Laurel Brunner talks about the difference between the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) and the ISO 14001 standard. In her opinion the ISO 14001 is a stepping stone towards EMAS which has more legal qualities to it. Read her story about this difficult choice on our articles page.
Lees meerLess printing costs trees
Since the worldwide paper production is decreasing the recyclable paper is becoming scarce. Demand exceeds supply. This means that paper manufacturers need to cut trees to produce paper. According to a press release by PPI the amount of recycled printed paper in Finland has decreased by 10% every year since 2008. According to Kyösti Pöyry, CEO…
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