VIGC web2print conference: all about cooperation
The traditional web to print conference by Belgium VIGC which was held on 14 September hosted by Agfa was all about cooperation. It followed the trend of companies increasingly using the strength of others, even competitors, and the important role of automation.
In her new role as Vice President of Cimpress Open, Diane Swint talked about a future where companies not only work with partners, but also with competitors. Quite remarkable from a company, previously Vistaprint, which is known to be quite closed. It was hard for people to find open doors and the production processes were kept a secret. Vistaprint only sold what they produced. So this is a 180 degree turn. Cimpress, parent company of both Vistaprint and Drukwerkdeal, has opened its doors with Cimpress Open. Any supplier can become partner and any webshop can sell Cimpress Open related products. There is a good reason for this switch. According to Diane Swint “the world print market is worth 980 billion dollars according to Pira. If we want to remain a player in this market we will have to work together with others. When we started the advantage was in developing one´s own closed industry. That is no longer the case. To grow faster we have to work together.”
A company working along the same principles is Danish Lastryk. The biggest print shop in Denmark, with a turnover of 50 million in a country with 5,6 million inhabitants owes its success to the internet. The company understood there are many companies in Denmark that are successful locally or in targeted markets. Founder Esben Mols Kabell: “By opening our webshops for other parties everyone grows faster.” A good example is the webshop for real estate agents where agents can put together specific print work for specific clients.
VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
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