´What if…´ is the Dutch Design Week (DDW) 2015´s theme

CanonThe organisation honours and emphasises the imagination of designers. Their
best answers are visible during the 14th edition in the form of concepts
and products, experiments and cross-overs.
Print innovation is part of that. According to Cannon innovative print
solutions are paramount to custom interior design. Definitely a reason
to present innovative print solutions for interior design.
Martijn Paulen, Director of DDW says: ‘Posing the right questions is the
motor for the imagination. Designers think about how we will live and
live together in the future. They dare to question everything, dream of
a different answer and shape it. This is how they lay the basis for the
innovations of the future.’
The 14th Dutch Design Week will take place from Saturday 17 to Sunday 25
October in Eindhoven, the Netherlands


Jolanda van Drie

Bedrijfsjournalist, freelance redacteur voor Blokboek en Printmedianieuws en communicatie- en marketingmanager bij IT bedrijf Prindustry (Haarlem).

VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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