Xaar en FFEI werken samen aan een nieuwe generatie productie inkjetprinters

Xaar’s nieuwe Print Bar System en de meer dan 65 jaar ervaring van FFEI in digital imaging, gaan de basis vormen van een nieuwe generatie hybride productie inkjetprinters. De samenwerking moet voor OEM’ers bouwstenen opleveren om complete productie inkjetsystemen te ontwikkelen. Componenten van deze unieke samenwerking zijn: workflow en printmanagement software, ink supply systems en de complete range van Xaar printkoppen die UV-inkten van verschillende fabrikanten kunnen verwerken. Het nieuwe systeem kan inkten en vernissen verwerken van high-opacity en high-pigmented inkten tot verschillende lakken, vernissen en cold foil lijmen.
OEM fabrikanten kunnen daarmee productie printsystemen bouwen voor elke denkbare verticale markten.
Lees meer over deze samenwerking in het onderstaande persbericht.


“FFEI to take the lead on responding to OEM requirement for bespoke digital inkjet printbar design and manufacture”

11th May 2017 FFEI Ltd, the global developer of award-winning digital imaging solutions, today announced that they would be extending their partnership with Xaar to respond to new market opportunities for bespoke printbar systems.
The Xaar Printbar System received a huge response when it was launched at LabelExpo 2015 and not just from label and packaging convertors but also OEMs who recognise the value in including a digital solution in their portfolio. Andy Cook, Managing Director at FFEI commented, “Printbar technology presents a fantastic opportunity for OEMs of traditional flexo and finishing equipment – it presents a new way for them to bring value to customers with a range of both digital inkjet and hybrid capabilities.”
The original printbar project was headed up at Xaar who supported the development, with FFEI taking on responsibility for the design and manufacture. FFEI will now take the lead on OEM support through their specialist inkjet integration service ‘Printbar Uncovered’, whereby OEM clients will be able to brand and customize proven ‘ready-to-market’ inkjet printbar technology for a quick time to revenue.
Cook commented on the new Printbar Uncovered service “We want to help OEMs deliver digital hybrid print solutions to the labels and packaging market with innovative inkjet solutions – like Graphium and now Printbar Uncovered! FFEI takes the risk out of new digital inkjet product developments. Whether the challenge is to create software functions to enhance workflow or accurately jet billions of ink droplets a second on to exotic materials – FFEI has the capability. Printbar Uncovered is a perfect example because partners have the opportunity to benefit from proven technology, many years of FFEI’s expertise and investments, yet make it their own – embodying their brand values in terms of look and feel, quality, serviceability and support.”
Cook continues’: “We have worked closely with many OEM partners translating their market knowledge and brand values into the industrial digital inkjet system they envisaged. Indeed our highly innovative and advanced imaging and digital inkjet technology powers a variety of market-leading products throughout the labels and packaging industry. This combined with being the original integrator of the Xaar Printbar System makes FFEI well placed to pursue the new opportunities that have arisen outside of the original specification.”

Rob van den Braak

Printer’s devil (1964), phototypesetter, offsetprinter, teacher of graphic techniques, salesmanager, productmanager, trade journalist, founder of BlokBoek e-zine (2011). But above all husband, father, friend and lover of life in southern Spain (since 2010).

VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’

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