Rob van den Braak
Book of 12 is a publication by paper distributor Antalis about the role of paper in our digital world. Below are a few quotes from this worthwhile publication:
Deciding on a paper is as important as choosing a typeface or a color.
It’s easier to feel that you can own a message when it is printed on paper.
These are just a couple of quotes from the 12 graphic designers from different countries, interviewed by French writer and art director Véronique Vienne. She did this for Antalis who created 12 notebooks on paper in the digital world. The notebooks were printed on creative paper from Arjowiggins.
Do designers think the role of paper is important for their designs? You will find the answer in the Book of 12 and it is an overwhelming yes. Paper is a unique medium. Fact is that information on paper is better remembered than information on a screen.
More information and how to order via this link.
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Een pixel-exact preview waar de operator het register en de stand van een opdracht in WYSIWYG kan controleren is cruciaal voor een ongestoorde productie. Met Océ TrueProof V5 kunnen voor de Océ productie printers al deze zaken op een beeldscherm gecontroleerd worden of als een hard-copy geprint worden op een Canon image PROGRAF printer. Lees meer over deze proofing oplossing in onderstaand persbericht.
Canon U.S.A. Showcasing Enhanced Version of Proofing Solution Software at Graph Expo 16
Canon U.S.A., is showcasing — for the first time in the U.S. — Océ’s next generation of proofing solutions software for digital production printing, Océ’s TrueProof V5, at Graph Expo 16.
Canon U.S.A., is showcasing — for the first time in the U.S. — Océ’s next generation of proofing solutions software for digital production printing, Océ’s TrueProof V5, at Graph Expo 16.
Drukkers staan voor een dilemma, is hun toekomst het maken van drukwerk of moeten ze het hele proces van content creatie en distributie gaan beheersen?
Het antwoord op die vraag is belangrijk omdat daarmee bepaald wordt of ze moeten investeren in ijzer of in kennis. En of ze hun (internet) deur open moeten zetten voor alleen drukwerk klanten of zich moeten richten op de content van die klanten.
Gaat het in de toekomst om hoe content op papier komt of hoe content gemaakt en gedistribueerd wordt?
Beslissende vragen die wel snel beantwoord moeten worden om te overleven.
Print Service Provider
Zoals een aantal succesvolle grafische bedrijven bewijzen is er zeker plaats voor print servicebedrijven. Specialisatie in techniek of marktbenadering is het geheim van hun succes.
Content Service Provider
Beheers je de content dan beheers je de (druk)opdracht. Tijdschrift- en krantendrukkers/uitgevers bewijzen al sinds de uitvinding van de drukkunst dat deze stelling klopt. In onze digitale eeuw zijn daar wel een paar uitdagingen bij gekomen zoals faillissementen in deze twee bedrijfstakken bewijzen.

Printers are faced with a dilemma, is their future going to be just printing or do they need to offer the full process from content creation to distribution?
Print Service Provider
A number of successful print companies have proven that there is a place in this world for print service companies. Technological or market specialization is the key to this success.
Technological specialization for example in super format multi colour offset and new technology such as LED UV guarantees fast delivery, low prices and high quality. Specialization in disrupting print technology such as inkjet for labels, packaging and book print is also successful. This specialization is economically challenging and needs a well oiled sales force generating enough orders for continuous production.
Web2Print is an other successful business model. Requirement for success is automation of the full client-to-delivery process. Printers interested in this model have a full array of services at their disposal. From doing it yourself with standard software to complete packages including proposals, orders, production, dispatch and invoices, everything is available. A new solution is using a print service provider already offering all this as Software As A Service. This allows for zero investment as costs are included in the order price.
Content Service Provider
If you manage the content you manage the order! Magazine and newspaper printers/publishers have proven this since the invention of print. Judging by the bankruptcies our digital age has added some challenges to this business model. The times that owning a solnhofer stone made you the owner of content are over. The internet has made the transfer of content global and simple. If you want to manage content you need to offer digital publication technology such as app, online and social media publishing.
Managing content starts with the creation of text and images. This has become a lot simpler with the right software. The rise of self publishing in the book market has been enormous over the past few years with services such as Lulu and Amazon. These services and services such as Blurb and MagCloud are also available for self publishing of magazines.
A content service provider without distribution channels cannot keep up with these specialists. But there are opportunities in the business market, if a full package is offered, included (contracted) copywriters and designers. Apart from a quick turnaround and lower costs the advantages to the customer are a product suitable for all media. A content service provider that takes care of the full process will ensure that the resolution of the images, the lay-out and user interface is suitable for all media, be it print, online, app or social media publication.
A content service provider primarily needs to invest in knowledge, not necessarily very detailed as knowledge can be contracted. Prepress knowledge and software such as the Adobe Publishing Suite will get you very far. Keeping up-to-date on trends and applications is made easy by information sources such as You will be surprised by the number of simple and affordable solutions to go from Print First to Content First.
The future of publishing lies with mobile content. Eversify, the mobile content publishing software from Agfa Graphics, that reboots content delivery by allowing any type of reader to receive what they want, when they want, how they want, will be showcased at Wan-Ifra World Publishing Expo 2016 at Messe Wien, Vienna, from October 10-12 (booth C806).
Rainer Kirschke, Business Manager Mobile Publishing for Eversify says: “We want today‘s publishers to grasp the importance of investing in a reliable partner and tomorrow’s publishers to be made aware of the benefits of cooperating together towards a better future for publishing.”
Evolving with the needs of customers
Offered as a SaaS, Eversify is scalable to allow operations to grow their use of the solution in line with demand. Rainer expands: “Our solution has evolved as our customer base has grown. We are confident it is the best Eversify solution to date. Content creators can work with enriched information to add value. Publishers can now also reach a wider audience of readers and open up more revenue streams that fit both their budgets and strategies in a digital and multi-platform mobile way.”
The latest version of Eversify offers improved automation, usability and analytics for the three current Eversify versions: Classic, Hybrid and Interactive. Classic delivers a simple digital copy of the PDF for publishing without changes in the classic well-known print layout. Hybrid is a more advanced level that either uses an Adobe® Acrobat® plugin to allow the manual addition of extra content (pictures/videos) to the PDF file or operates via XML data to secure both single article view and media enrichment. Interactive allows pure HTML 5 content to be combined with automated XML data enabling and the integration of media (text, pictures, videos, audio). These three versions are available as an app solution as well as a web browser.
Building the mobile future at a core publishing platform
On the stand, the Eversify team will enlighten visitors on a number of international customer cases, such as FAZ PLUS, Basler Zeitung, Mindener Tageblatt, CYCLING.BE, Punch
Eversify a solution from Agfa Graphics
Bahamas and SVIT. These success stories showcase the endless possibilities that can be generated by this easy-to-integrate modular solution.
Rainer concludes: “We can help visitors understand what the future of new media looks like, review what other media companies are investing in and how media and publishing companies can increase their margin and turnover. We are keen to discuss how we have created mobile solutions for all sizes of media and content companies. Wan-Ifra has been a publishing beacon for years, where else would we bring the mobile gospel? We are excited to be promoting mobile publishing at this key event.”
Tijdens de Wan-Ifra World Publishing Expo, 10-12 oktober in Wenen, toont Agfa Graphics de laatste versie van Eversify. Eversify is een geautomatiseerde oplossing waarmee met een paar clicks een voor print opgemaakte krant of tijdschrift omgezet kan worden naar een publicatie geschikt voor mobiele devices. Lees meer over Eversify op Wan-Ifra in onderstaand persbericht.
Mobile publishing’s future signposted at Wan-Ifra World Publishing Expo 2016
Mortsel, Belgium – September 26, 2016
The future of publishing lies with mobile content. Eversify, the mobile content publishing software from Agfa Graphics that reboots content delivery by allowing any type of reader to receive what they want, when they want, how they want, will be showcased at Wan-Ifra World Publishing Expo 2016 at Messe Wien, Vienna, from October 10-12 (booth C806).
Rainer Kirschke, Business Manager Mobile Publishing for Eversify says: “We want today‘s publishers to grasp the importance of investing in a reliable partner and tomorrow’s publishers to be made aware of the benefits of cooperating together towards a better future for publishing.”
Evolving with the needs of customers
Offered as a SaaS, Eversify is scalable to allow operations to grow their use of the solution in line with demand. Rainer expands: “Our solution has evolved as our customer base has grown. We are confident it is the best Eversify solution to date. Content creators can work with enriched information to add value. Publishers can now also reach a wider audience of readers and open up more revenue streams that fit both their budgets and strategies in a digital and multi-platform mobile way.”
The latest version of Eversify offers improved automation, usability and analytics for the three current Eversify versions: Classic, Hybrid and Interactive. Classic delivers a simple digital copy of the PDF for publishing without changes in the classic well-known print layout. Hybrid is a more advanced level that either uses an Adobe® Acrobat® plugin to allow the manual addition of extra content (pictures/videos) to the PDF file or operates via XML data to secure both single article view and media enrichment. Interactive allows pure HTML 5 content to be combined with automated XML data enabling and the integration of media (text, pictures, videos, audio). These three versions are available as an app solution as well as a web browser.
Building the mobile future at a core publishing platform
On the stand, the Eversify team will enlighten visitors on a number of international customer cases, such as FAZ PLUS, Basler Zeitung, Mindener Tageblatt, CYCLING.BE, Punch
Eversify a solution from Agfa Graphics
Bahamas and SVIT. These success stories showcase the endless possibilities that can be generated by this easy-to-integrate modular solution.
Rainer concludes: “We can help visitors understand what the future of new media looks like, review what other media companies are investing in and how media and publishing companies can increase their margin and turnover. We are keen to discuss how we have created mobile solutions for all sizes of media and content companies. Wan-Ifra has been a publishing beacon for years, where else would we bring the mobile gospel? We are excited to be promoting mobile publishing at this key event.”
Het succes van inkjet als digitale afdruktechniek, zie de gigantische verkopen op drupa, veroorzaakt een vloed van nieuwe technieken die bewijzen dat deze inkjet nog maar in zijn kinderschoenen staat. Landa’s nano-inkten zullen de komende decennia de toekomst van inkjet bepalen. Bedrijven als Canon, met een nieuwe UVgel inkt en Xaar met een printkop die speciaal ontwikkeld is voor water-based inkten zullen de lat steeds hoger leggen. In combinatie met verbeterde rastertechnieken, procescontrole en productie-automatisering zal inkjet een steeds beter alternatief worden voor traditionele afdruktechnieken. Deze technieken zullen ook nieuwe markten zoals direct to object printing creëren en toepassingen ontwikkelen waar we nu nog niet eens aan denken. Veel van deze ontwikkelingen zullen besproken worden tijdens de Inkjet Conference die ESMA op 5 en 6 oktober organiseert. The IJC is een conferentie door en voor technische specialisten waar verslag van zal doen. Mocht je deze conferentie willen bijwonen dan krijg je als lezer 10% korting via deze link.
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Ook in groot formaat printing is een geautomatiseerde workflow een voorwaarde voor zakelijk succes. In het 8e artikel in de Wild Format serie geeft Paul Lindström aan wat de basisvoorwaarden voor een goede workflow zijn. Hij gaat in op de rol van het gebruik van standaards als ISO 9001 en welke rol de PDCA filosofie van quality guru W. Edwards Deming daar in speelt. Lees zijn artikel op onze artikelenpagina via deze link.
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Automated workflow is a requirement for success in wide format printing. In the 8th article in the Wild Format series Paul Lindström suggests some basic principles for a good workflow. He talks about the role of standards such as ISO 9001 and which role quality guru W. Edwards Deming´s PDCA philosophy could have. Read his article on our articles page via this link.
VIGC BOPE 2025: Redefining print. Success in a digital world. Met o.a. Peter Luit als gesprekleider binnen het panelgesprek ‘Platformeconomie, kansen voor grafimedia bedrijven?’
De trainingen voor 2022 staan gereed. Kijk voor het volledige online aanbod van bestaande- en nieuwe trainingen op de website.